Chapter 1

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Valentine's day is a day that has lots of great memories for me. You'd think it would be Christmas or my birthday, that would have more special memories, but not for me. Before I knew Nick Jonas was my real father, he was my friend & on the first Valentine's day, we knew each other, he got me a gift. It wasn't anything too elaborate, but I loved it just the same. He didn't know it, but I kept the red & black purse he had given me that year & it was tucked away in my memory box. It was safe & sound, along with the Mickey Mouse ears that I got from one of our trips to Disney, that always meant the world to me, no matter what day we went.  

Valentine's day was also a day that my adopted dad would lavish me & my adopted mom with tons of presents & yummy treats, when I was a little girl. I have a few of those memories from my earlier days, still fresh in my head, not to mention I have photo albums filled with photos from those earlier holidays. Now, I have added even more memories with my real parents, to those photo albums. My adopted parents & my real parents are the reason I have amazing memories of Valentine's day & my real parents are why it's still a special holiday for me. 

Besides what he gave me, my dad gave my mom a Valentine's day present, that first year I knew them & it was a day I'd never forget. That present was Buddy, the tiny, white, fluffy puppy that we loved dearly, until he passed away. I also remember that Valentine's day was when I realized how much my parents loved each other, even if they weren't ready to admit it out loud, at that point. 

Every year since that first Valentine's day, my dad gets me something cute & girly, but always gives me sugar free candy & gum. It's become a tradition, I suppose, & it's something I look forward to every year. Today, it's February 14, 2020 & I'm looking forward to it, this year, especially, because it's my little brother's first Valentine's day. I know he's only four months old, but I can't even handle how much I love him. I got him a little stuffed bear, holding a red heart & my parents got him the cutest little outfit, you'd ever seen. Well, the outfit wasn't for just Valentine's day. It was for my Uncle Joe's wedding to Chloe, which was the next day. It was a tuxedo onesie & Linc was so adorable in it, I knew he was going to steal Chloe's thunder. 

I was excited for my Uncle Joe. He & Chloe were cute together & I loved that I was the reason they were together. I mean it was me that was being tutored, which is why Chloe was hired & how she came to meet Joe. So, yes, I take full responsibility for these two lovebirds getting together.

That morning, I got out of bed, got dressed & checked my sugar, then headed to my baby brother's room

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That morning, I got out of bed, got dressed & checked my sugar, then headed to my baby brother's room. Since it was Valentine's day, I thought I'd let my parents sleep in, even though it was a school day. They were probably awake, kissing & doing other stuff, but I wanted to be helpful & get my little brother dressed, anyway. When I went to my brother's crib, I had to cover my mouth so he wouldn't wake up when I giggled. He was wearing a onesie that said, "Ladies love me" on the front & he looked so peaceful, as he slept. What is really funny is the fact that my mom got my dad a matching shirt & my dad actually would wear it, sometimes.

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