|05| Miss Mufat Queen!

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It's been three days since Virag's encounter with Anishka had happened. Virag has already forgotten about it by now. And why won't he? He thinks that he has got many things in his life to fix up on his own rather than concentrating on somebody which was of no importance to him. Rohan and Dhoni had suggested him a few times of apologising to Anishka, but he chose to ignore them saying that the two of them didn't know each other personally.

Anishka never held a good opinion about him either though for a moment her opinion had changed when she had seen how happy he was after scoring a century. She realised how passionate he was about his game and it somehow impressed her in a way. But that evening, after that encounter, things were back to square one for her. However, she didn't let it effect her. After all, he was not someone she knew. He was just another celebrity with lots of arrogance.

Both Virag and Anishka were more than sure that they won't have to cross each other's path any day. Only if they knew what their life and fate had planned for them.

Like any other day, Anishka was late even today. Being a workaholic, she was so engrossed in her work that she didn't have any track of time. Her colleagues have already left the office premises two hours back. She was the only one in the office except for the receptionist and the peon. They would go once she will leave. Until then, they can't go. Anishka was preparing the last slide of her presentation. She will have to present it before the sponsors tomorrow.

Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with one of her pens. A few streaks of hair were falling down on her face carelessly. She puffed her cheeks inhaling the air, and exhaled out again, blowing up one of the streaks in that process. That is one thing she does whenever she is annoyed or irritated. She picked up the coffee mug, and brought it up to her lips to take a sip but saw that it was empty. She has already drank 10 cups. For the eleventh time, she rang the bell on her table to summon the peon. The peon came and stood before her in a minute.
"Ha Anishka beti. Aapne bulaya tha?" Harish 'kaka'(the name by which Anishka addressed the peon) asked her with a smile.
"Ha Harish kaka. Sorry for troubling you again and again, but can you make for me a cup of coffee again. I could have asked Pooja(the receptionist), but I like your coffee more." Anishka said putting on her best puppy dog face. She could have simply ordered him, considering she was the boss. But, Anishka wasn't someone who would boss around. She treated everyone with respect.
"Okay Anishka beti." He gave her a warm smile and left.
Anishka sank back to her seat again. The last slide was making her angry. She typed something but deleted it again. She repeated the same action a few times before closing her laptop with a thud after getting irritated.

"Have this Anishka beti. It will help you to think better." Harish kaka handed her the coffee mug and waited for her response.
"Kaka why don't you go home?" She asked Harish kaka. She knew it was already late.
"How can I when my daughter isn't done with her work yet." He said while giving her one of his heart-warming smiles.
Anishka's heart swelled with happiness in hearing his reply. She felt as if he was trying to boost her spirit in an indirect way. She thanked him and started working on her last slide again. Surprisingly, she was able to prepare it without committing any errors this time. Maybe all she had needed was someone to boost up her spirits and Harish Kaka did that for her.

She let out a tired sigh. The work had drained her emotionally and mentally. All she needed now was a hot shower and her comfy bed. She closed the laptop and put it in her bag. She checked the time in her phone. It was 11pm. Her office was in Noida and she lived in Gurgaon. It would take her atleast an hour or more to drive back. She took her bag and wore her coat again. The winter has just began. One might not feel cold in the warm premises of the office, but as soon as one steps outside, they'll freeze. Anishka knew that. So she clinged on to her coat.

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