✷ three ✷

349 17 8

lux pov

312, this is the place. I look up from my paper and at the door in front of me. I can feel sweat on the back of my neck and my forehead. Anxiously, I wipe my brow and try to slow my breathing. After regaining my composure, my stomach churned as I nervously turned the key in the lock and push it open.

"Yo yo yo!" I say confidently, hiding the fact that I feel sick inside and am scared as hell. Leaning my suitcase against the wall, I gingerly step all the way in to the flat and glance around in complete awe. This is absolutely sick.

To the left I saw the sparkling white kitchen (which was a clean as it would ever be), to the right a lounge area with a couch and a chair. In front of me though was the most amazing view anyone could have possibly imagined. Stepping towards the huge window, I took it in. It seemed like I could see for miles and miles over the city of London. How painstakingly beautiful.

I hear a noise behind me. I quickly spin around to see Cal standing in the doorway to the hallway.

freezy pov

I stared at him, he stared back. What was only probably only a few seconds seemed like a lifetime. I wanted to look away but I couldn't bring myself to. His eyes...

"What?" Cal snapped at me, bringing me back to reality. His eyes had now turned stone cold.

"Oh, nothing," I replied, shaking my head. "How was your trip?"

"It was fine," Cal answered shortly. "I'm going to get the rest of my things now."

"Need any help?" I asked eagerly.

"No," he retorts and walks straight to the door, closing it a little too loudly behind him. I stare at the door for a minute before sighing to myself. I had the slightest hope you were going to be different than the way you act in your videos, boy was I wrong.

lux pov

I am close to tears again as I walk fast down the hallway. I don't know how to act, I don't know how to feel. Why is everything I do so fake? Why can't I just relax? Why can't I be a normal human being for once in my life?

He probably hates me now. He did nothing wrong, yet I was nothing but rude to him. What did Cal do to deserve that? He was only trying to be nice and I shut him down. I am a horrible person. I actually thought I could be strong. I actually believed I was ready to start fresh, become a new person, and show my true personality. Look how that's turning out. I'm obviously not ready.

I dash out of the sliding doors and run to my car, the tears starting to well up. As soon as I reach my car, I tear open the door, sit down in the drivers seat, slamming it shut behind me. I rub my eyes as the tears start to come more freely now. I cry softly in the silence of my own car. My nose starts to run and all I do is sit and feel sorry myself.

I miss my parents, I miss the comfort of my house, I miss knowing what to do, I miss knowing who I was, I miss being free of expectations.

I  was only in my car a few moments a tapping on the window startles me. I feel my face flush red as I am instantly embarrassed someone caught me crying in my car. I look up slowly fully expecting to see Cal's face in the window. He probably went looking for me to tell me what a dickhead I was. But it wasn't Cal.

It was someone who looked very familiar, but I didn't recognize him right away. I know I'd seem him somewhere before. His face looked genuinely concerned as he tapped on the window again. I took in the SDMN snap-back on his head and the colorful Adidas sweatshirt he was wearing. All of a sudden it clicked.

The person peering at me through the window at me definitely wasn't Cal.

It was Tobi.


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