✷ five ✷

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Look at me uploading for the first time in forever! Hope this isn't too weird of a story so far hahah!

lux pov

I try my best to stay close behind Tobi, as he weaves his way in and out of the endless amounts of people here in the club. I take a breath, and instantly wrinkle my nose at the overwhelming smell of alcohol. It starts to make me feel dizzy, but I swallow and push my nausea aside for now.

"Look! It's Josh and Freya!" Tobi exclaims as he grabs my arm and drags me to where they are standing in the corner. I instantly feel shy and uncomfortable all over again.

As we approach, Josh waves to Tobi and gives us a warm smile. This allows my shoulders relax by the time we are standing in front of them.

"Cal, this is Josh and his girlfriend, Freya. Guys, this is Cal," Tobi introduces us politely. Josh and I
then Freya and I shake hands awkwardly.

"Josh does youtube too," Tobi motioned to the bearded man.

"Cool bro," Josh says.

Then a looming silence settles upon the four of us. The music was so deafeningly loud, but the silence between us was ten times worse. After what seemed like eternity, Tobi finally breaks it by suggesting,

"Why don't we do a round of drinks? My treat!"

If it was possible, my stomach dropped even lower. I had never drank before. I didn't even like the taste of beer or wine. This wasn't going to go well.

As soon as Josh and Freya had both murmured a yes, the waiter passed our group. Tobi taps on the shoulder and orders us all wine.

We maneuver our way over to a table in the corner, kinda out of the way of the commotion. I had never been one for big crowds, and this was no exception. All it did was add to my nausea at this point.

I sunk down in the booth, wanting to escape the world when the drinks arrived. It was no time before Josh, Freya, and Tobi were almost done with their wine. Tobi nudged me,

"Hey man? Why aren't you drinking your wine? It's good stuff!" he exclaimed, finishing off the last of drink with a large gulp. I am at a loss of what to say. I don't really feel like lying anymore today, but it seems I have to again.

"Oh I just wanted to wait a little bit because of my acid reflux," I explained to them (but I really didn't know what acid reflux was). The group of them nodded in understanding and continued to sip what was left in their glasses.

After a few more minutes of awkward silence, I made a decision. Here ends my life of no drinking. I have to take chances and make mistakes! Create a life worth living and not be a pussy. Here it goes.

I picked up my wine glass all dainty like before preceding to down the whole thing in one big swallow. I felt the harsh liquid burn my throat and plunge into my stomach as I held back a gag. The table looked at me in astonishment.

"What?" I spat at them, starting to gain back my confidence. A fire was building in me, maybe it was just the alcohol. But whatever it is, was burning

"Nothing..." the three murmured quietly under their breath.

The three friends began to chat amongst themselves, something for sidemen clothing I think, and I begin to think I about Freezy. Damn, I really screwed up with him. He'll never forgive me. I hope he's not worried about me... wait, why would he? I don't mean anything to him. I have to apologize to him tomorrow...

Soon after, Josh and Freya announced they had to go (breaking my thoughts). After saying a rushed goodbye, they quickly (too quickly) grabbed their things and left the club. It was just me and Tobi.

A waitress carrying a tray of shots passed by right then, and without hesitation, Tobi grabs two off the tray, and I could tell he was pondering taking a third. I find my hand reaching for one surprisingly and set it down in front of me. Tobi drinks his first one right away and practically smashes the glass back down on the table.

"So, how long ya been in London?" Tobi drawls, the alcohol beginning to take its effects on him.

"Oh I just moved here today!" I say confidently, plastering a smile on my face, but Tobi isn't listening anymore. I follow his gaze to see he is staring at a girl across the room. A short blonde girl with curves and boobs that were bigger than basketballs it seemed. She wore way too much makeup as well, but I had to admit she was pretty hot.

Without a word, he stood up and shimmied his way across the dance floor to the mystery girl and struck up a conversation. I was instantly jealous and how easy he made it look. Before long, probably not even three minutes, he grabbed her by the hand and led her into another corner out of the way everyone. No doubt to make out with her.

I could still sort of see the two of them from my place in the booth, their figures as shadows. I see Tobi whisper something in her ear and she laughs cutely and clings on to him. He doesn't wait for an answer, but instead proceeds to grab the blonde firmly by the waist and kiss her right on the lips. She didn't hold back anything and neither did he. They were groping each other and making out within seconds. Their kissing was urgent and passionate, as though they hadn't seen each other in years, rather than that they just met a few minutes ago. I'm not sure why I'm still watching.

I peel my eyes away from the two of then and shake my head violently. Then my eyes fall upon the shot glass still in front of me. Waiting to be drunk. I glance back at Tobi and Blondie, with his hands now tangled in those locks and her legs wrapped around his torso. That waI pick up the shot and down it, like a man would. I felt ready to take on the world.

I jerked out of my seat. I'm sick of being lonely, I'm sick of pretending, I'm sick of life. I cross the dance floor with long strides, pushing through the masses of people, desperately searching for someone, anyone.

Some big guy pushes me hard into a woman sitting at a small table next to the dance floor. I give the guy the finger and turn to apologize to the girl, only to stop dead in my tracks.

Her brown hair fell down her back in soft waves. Her dress was so plain but yet the most elegant thing I'd seen. In front of her was a notebook that seemed to have lyrics written scrawled onto the pages.

She was beautiful.

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