✷ four ✷

302 18 14

Oh my gosh guys! Sorry I haven't been updating this story at all! I give this excuse all the time, but school is just really busy :(  I hope you understand...


lux pov

Tobi taps on the window again, motioning for me to roll it down. After rubbing my eyes once more, I grudgingly click the button to allow the glass to disappear between us.

"Cal... Are you alright?" he asks tentatively, his face growing more worried each second I don't respond. I debate whether or not to tell him the truth. To let everything out and be completely honest with someone for once in my life.

"Not really," I eventually reply, ultimately letting my guard down. For some reason, I feel like I can trust Tobi. I can't really explain why exactly, but I can tell he actually cares about me. As I realize that, I let another tear slip down my cheek. 

"C'mon mate, dry those eyes," Tobi says soothingly, taking off his sweatshirt and handing it to me. "Use this."

I pat the sweatshirt against my eyes carefully, not wanting to ruin it too badly. All the while, I question why Tobi is being nice to me. I barely even know him, let alone am friends with him enough for him to let me dry my eyes with his sweatshirt. We've spoken a few times over twitter but that's basically it. Yet here we are.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

As I hand the sweatshirt back to Tobi, a warm smile spreads across face. 

"See you're already in a ten times better state!" Tobi assures me. His smile soon fades as he proceeds to ask, "But in all seriousness, is there anything you want to talk about?"

Do I tell him? Do I finally let myself release my emotion? Do I trust Tobi enough? Heck, can I even put what I'm feeling right now into words?

"It's complicated," I finally admit, letting out a big sigh. "I'm just feeling a little...homesick, that's all..." I somewhat lie. Wow. I failed to show my real personality. Again. That makes twice in one day now. Actually twice in the span of ten minutes.

"Awe," Tobi sympathizes with me. "That sucks... I remember feeling that way when I moved out from my parents' house. But trying to get your mind off it is probably the best thing you can do." 

"Yeah," I shrug indifferently, leaning back in the seat and closing my eyes. I try and let myself relax, to no avail, as I can still hear my heart beating rapidly. I can feel Tobi's looming presence as I take a few deep breaths. There is a few full minutes of silence until it is broken by Tobi,

"I have an idea to get your mind off of home."

I slowly open my eyes, but not moving from my laid back position.

"What would that be?"

"You and me, we go out tonight."


freezy pov

I pace the flat nervously, waiting for Cal to return. Why am I even waiting? Why do I care so much? Why am I so worried about him?

Twenty minutes passes with no sign of Cal. Then another twenty minutes turns into an hour and I begin to feel concerned.

This is all my fault that Cal left. I must have said something wrong... but what?

Eventually I give up waiting in the common room, and go to edit a video for next week. That doesn't stop my mind from worrying about him though. In fact, I find it hard to even go a minute without thinking about Cal being gone. 

I glance at the clock for what seems like the millionth time and see that much has time has passed. It is now almost ten o'clock and he's still not back. I sigh heavily and shut down my computer for the night. I suddenly feel exhausted as the day's festivities catch up to me. 

Groggily, I take a quick shower, letting the scalding hot water relieve the tension in my muscles. I change and brush my teeth, noticing in the mirror how big the bags were underneath my eyes really were.

As I drift off to sleep, I half open my eyes to peek at my alarm clock. It read 11:11. I was never one for 11:11 wishes, but this seemed as good a time as any to start. I ponder for only a second before speaking my only wish to the darkness,

"I wish for a second chance with Cal."


Luxjzl making a cheeky appearance here ;) I'd love to hear your opinions on this part or if you enjoyed, maybe vote for it? Love you guys endlessly and remember to spread positivity (like Tobi)!! Wowowow I'm lame.

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