Part 2

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Tina stared at her bedroom wall in deep thought. Six months. Six months she had been away from the wonderful man referred to as Newt Scamander, and gosh darn if she didn't miss him.

A small smile flickered gently over Tina's face as she thought about every last detail of Newt Scamander, the way his eyes shimmered when he talked about his animals or he found something particularly interesting and peculiar. The way his curly hair changed from red to a light brown colour when the lights hit certain parts of it.

The sound of shattering glass pierced the thick vail of Tina's thoughts and she stood abruptly grabbing her wand from her bedside table.

Opening the door a crack and peeking out she was met with the exited face of Queenie. "You love him!! You really, really LOVE hime!!" Queenie squealed flicking her wand to clear up the glass and water then skipping away as Tina stood frozen, the tips of her ears a deep scarlet colour. Did she really love Newt Scamander? The man that had broken so many laws and carried around a horde of magical creatures in his enchanted suitcase, did she really love him? And that's when it dawned on her.

She did.

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