Part 6

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The next few days passed in an odd sort of blur. Tina was stuck in a constant loop of work and awkward silences. Newt was great he really was but that man needed some social interaction lessons.

Newt had been staying for three days now and they were still no closer to talking about the almost-kiss than they had been right after it had happened. Tina supposed she could probably approach the topic but it was so much easier to sink into the feeling of being blissfully ignorant. It was probably rather unfair on the socially inept man but if he wanted to talk about it that badly he would, Tina had no doubt in that.

"What does who want to talk about so badly?" Queenie questioned, sauntering into the room with two mugs of cocoa, placed on a tray, levitating in front of her. "Oh! It's nothing. Just.. someone at work." Tina replied hastily, stretching a smile across her face. Queenie simply raised a perfectly shaped, blonde eyebrow before placing a mug on Tina's bedside cabinet and knocking politely on Newt's case placed delicately in the middle of the room. After waiting for a few minutes she instead set the mug down on the ground and wandered away to prepare dinner in the kitchen.

Tina held her breath as the case popped open and Newt stepped out, he looked around in confusion before fixing his curious eyes over her. "Am i needed?" he asked softly. His words seemed to float with the breeze and Tina found herself having to shake off a contented feeling to respond. "No. Well yes we always love to have you around of course," Tina laughed nervously over her trip up, "what i mean is that Queenie made you cocoa." she finished with a smile. Newt looked and the ground and grinned as he spotted the mug of warm liquid. "Brilliant," he muttered "i love hot chocolate." Bending down, Newt scooped up the beverage and took a seat on the edge of Queenie's bed facing Tina. After taking a sip he proceeded to ask her about her day and the weather and how far she had gotten into reading his book (Forgive me but I am far too lazy to write about small talk) 

Before they new it the cocoa was gone and all that remained of their interaction was lingering looks and mouths that opened and closed, grasping for something to fill the void of silence that seemed to gape in the wake of their previous conversation. "Well," Newt announced after a second, "i should probably retire for the night." Tina nodded and watched as he stood and turned to leave before pausing. Inch by inch Newt turned back before he was once again facing her before pausing again. His eyes settled over her and Tina's breath hitched at the fondness she found in his gaze. Quick as a flash Newt bent down and fluttered a gentle kiss against her temple before dashing to his suitcase, calling a hurried 'goodnight!' behind him as he did so.

Tina couldn't tell if her heart had stopped or if it was simply going so fast there were no individual beats to feel. Tenderly, she reached up to touch the spot of the kiss and fell back against her bed with a huff. 

And that's that! Yay me I suppose. I felt like writing so i did. Also i don't care that i'm not capitalising my 'i's. It's one letter. No one cares. Anyway thanks for reading and thank you a lot if you care enough to come back to this fic after all this time. Hugs and kisses and all that stuff


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