Part 5

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                             So...turns out I'm alive.....surprisingly..... and I'm writing?.... I don't know if this chapter is gonna be any good. It's probably going to be crappy but I wanted to write so yeah. Enjoy I guess! Also this chapter is dedicated to my absolute best friend SDAL1234. She is such a superstar and my one and only sunshine. So yeah, thanks for everything Sandy!

Newt's POV

After maybe the third (Newt wasn't counting) cup of tea, Newt suddenly remembered the entire reason he was sitting in this room, at this table and with this stunning, stunning person.... Snapping out of his state and feeling the heat rush up his neck and kiss the tips of his ears, he jumped out of his seat, the chair making a screeching noise as it was pushed along the wooden floorboards (A.N I can't remember if they were wood or not please don't hurt me *ducks as brick is thrown at face* okay i deserved that but *is cut off as a chair is then thrown* okay that was unnecessary!!) Leaping towards his beloved case that leaned carefully against the painted doorframe, he opened the lid, peered inside and stuck a hand through the openening, an arm then followed and he looked up at Tina when his fingers brushed lightly over the surface of the object he was looking for. Curling his fingers around said object, Newt smiled at the curious look plastered over Tina's face. She was clearly trying to hide it by looking down but her eyes gave it away as every five seconds they would glance up and she would tilt her head in that endearing way that Newt simply adored and. Newt took a deep breath, looked away from Tina and brought the object out of the case, the image of her eyes sparkling with exitment never once leaving his mind.

Clasped firmly in Newts hand was a leather bound book with sparkling silver font that sprawled across the cover. Newt stood and glared at the floor as he stuck his arm out stiffly in what he seemed to remember was close to Tina's direction. A startled gasp was heard and the book was gently tugged free of his light grip. "The first one?" The whisper was carried into Newts ears and he felt a light dusting of heat crawl up his neck and onto his cheeks. Newt simply nodded.

The Hufflepuff jumped as he felt warm arms encircle his upper chest. Although shocked, Newt wasted no time in burying his face into the warm, nest of hair infront of him.

The hug lasted 2 minutes and 27 seconds. Not that Newt was counting. Tina was the first to pull away, though she remained hugging Newt's torso. She looked up into his deep blue eyes and he peered curiously into her brown ones. Slowly Newt leaned down. His eyes fluttered shut and he could feel her breath on his lips.

There were centimetres between them when the door flew open and they jumped apart. There in the doorway stood a completely oblivious Queenie facing the other direction and she pushed the door with her back. She turned and smiled at them before walking down the hall to her room.

Newt and Tina were left standing awkwardly in the kitchen. Both staring at the cold floorboards.

A.N: So that was a thing I just did. If you enjoyed leave a vote and maybe even follow me if your feeling extra extra kind ;p. I'm kidding. I know I suck at this hah. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

-A very alive Horsegirl216

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