Chapter 1

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May 16th 2016

The trees whispered in the wind, whispering their untold secrets. The ground they laid on held their untold tales, tales the wind silently whispered. The sky looked down at them with shinning lights, illuminating their faces.

This field was their favorite spot. The place the could go and lay down on a blanket. Where they could hold hands while pointing out the shapes they saw in the clouds.

It was the spot where they found each other. It was the spot where their love grew.

"I love you," murmured Hamlet, glancing over at Horatio.

"I love you too," Horatio replied, kissing him softly.

The sun shone down on them as they laid there together, warming them up. Hamlet took a quick look at the time on his phone.

"Horatio," he whispered, "we've been gone for too long, we should head back."

"But it's so nice here..." Horatio moaned, "I don't want to go..." He rolled onto Hamlet so that he was half draped over his boyfriend's torso, "You're comfy," he giggled.

Hamlet sat up slowly, Horatio gently slid off then sat up as well. He wrapped his arms around Hamlet's neck, Hamlet did the same to his partner.

"I love you," Horatio smiled as he gave Hamlet a light kiss.

"I love you more," Hamlet said as he kissed Horatio back.

It was a game they made. They would go back and forth telling the other how much they loved each other.

After that had gone on for awhile, Hamlet playfully pushed Horatio back a little.

"Stop procrastinating," he laughed, "We really need to go back now."

They got up and started walking hand-in-hand away from the clearing.

Hamlet and Horatio returned to their apartment. Horatio busied himself with making dinner, while Hamlet sat on the couch, thinking.

He couldn't help but think about Ophelia, and wonder what had happened to her. He wondered why she had left. Had it been something he had done? Did she know about him and Horatio? He wondered where she was now, if she was even still alive.

Horatio noticed a troubled look on Hamlets face, so he came over and sat by his (boyfriend? Fiancé?). "What's wrong," he asked, concerned.

"Oh, nothing," replied Hamlet, nonchalantly, "I was just thinking about Ophelia. She's been gone fore a year, you know."

"I know," answered Horatio, kissing Hamlet, "that also means that it's our one year anniversary."

Hamlet turned his head away. It was hard for him to think about Ophelia's disappearance being on the same day that he became a couple with Horatio.

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