Chapter 2

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May 16th, 2014 6:00 pm

Hamlet arrived home to an empty house. He waited patiently for his beloved fiancee to return home. He started cooking her favorite meal, blueberry pancakes and french fries. He was going to surprise her when she got home.

He finished cooking the food and covered it up so it stayed warm while he waited for his lover to return home. Ophelia often got held up late at the clinic she worked at. She would come home stressed out but shortly after spending a little time with Hamlet, she was back to her happy self.

May 16th, 2014 8:00

Hamlet had been waiting for a while and decided to call Ophelia and see when she would be home. He dialed her number and called. The phone rang and rang. No answer. Maybe her phone died, Hamlet thought.

He decided to call the clinic's landline.

"St. Joseph Pet Clinic, how can I help you?"

"Uh, hi, this is Hamlet, Ophelia's fiance, is she there?"

"Oh hey, Hamlet, this is Julia, how ar-"

"-Is Ophelia there?" Hamlet didn't like Julia, Ophelia's friend, she was always really annoying whenever Hamlet talked to her.

"Uh... no, she left a couple hours ago, around five. Why?"

"She still isn't home yet, but thanks.

"No problem Hamlet, you know we should all get togeth-"

He hung up on Julia.

He called Ophelia fifteen more times. Still no answer.

He decided to wait a little while longer, sometimes there was awful traffic in the city, and maybe she had some errands to run, like getting her nails painted or something. She might still be on her way home.

May 16th 2014 11:30 pm

Still no Ophelia. Hamlet was really worried. He decided to call the police, what if something bad happened to her?

He called the police and told them about Ophelia and how she had left work five and a half hours ago and wasn't home yet.

They told Hamlet to remain calm and to call them if she showed up, they were doing their best to find her.

Hamlet hung up and was incredibly worried. He sat in the living room and waited there for her.

May 17th 2014 2:00 am

Though he didn't want to, Hamlet drifted off to sleep with tears running down his cheeks as he did so.

May 30th 2014 1:00 pm

Ophelia hadn't come home yet. The police had officially declared this as a missing persons case and said they were still looking for her but the odds were that she was dead by now. Not many people had been missing this long and still come back alive. Hamlet tried to remain hopeful. She would come home anytime soon. Right?

He had stopped going to work at the primary school he taught at. He barely left the house to go anywhere that wasn't the forest. His best friend and college, Marcellus  brought him food everyday. He kept Hamlet up to date on what was happening at the school. Apparently all the students missed Hamlet, who was their favorite gym teacher ever. But Marcellus told Hamlet to take his time and to only come back if he wanted to.

Everyday Hamlet would wander around the forest, thinking to himself. He cried a lot when he was alone. He missed Ophelia so much. He couldn't bare it.

July 21st 2014 2:00 pm

He missed Ophelia so much that one day he had had enough and he was crying in the forest, he took out his pocket knife and with shaking hands, he held out the knife in front of him. He clutched the weapon and was about to plunge the blade into his chest and end his misery when he remembered Ophelia's smile. He remembered her laugh. He remembered the blueberry pancakes and french fries he had made for Ophelia way back on May 16th. He remembered how he kept them in his freezer, he was going to keep them there until Ophelia came back and they would eat a new batch of pancakes and fries together.

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