Chapter 3

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May 16th 2016

They entered their apartment.

"Want dinner?" Asked Horatio.


"What do you want?" Hamlet didn't respond, he was too busy thinking about Ophelia.


"Oh yeah sure that sounds good!"

"Um Hamlet, are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"I just asked you what you wanted for dinner and you responded with yeah sure sounds good"

"Oh sorry, can we have pizza?"


He picked up Hamlet's phone and dialed Pizza Pizza.

"Yes hi, I'd like to order a-"

He turned away from the phone and whispered to Hamlet.

"Do you want pepperoni?"

Pepperoni pizza was Ophelia's favorite kind.



Horatio turned back to the phone with a concerned look.

"Just a pepperoni pizza please"

He hang up the phone and turned to Hamlet.

"What was that about?!"

Hamlet didn't respond.

"HAMLET! Why have you been acting so weird today?!"


He turned and stormed out of the room.

Horatio stood, with the phone still in his hand, watching as Hamlet slammed the door to their bedroom shut, hearing a bang as he no doubt kicked the wall.

His hands were shaking as he rested the phone on the counter.

Of course. How could he have forgotten? Today was the two year anniversary of Ophelia's disappearance. He immediately felt guilty for how cold and oblivious he had been to Hamlet's grief.

He went to the door to his and Hamlet's bedroom and knocked gently.

"Hamlet, I'm so sorry," he muttered, "I'm sorry I was so insensitive..."

Though he knew how much this hurt for Hamlet, Horatio couldn't help but feel jealous of Ophelia. He wanted to punch himself in the face. How dare he make this about himself? Jealous of a (probably) dead girl! He was sick and twisted.

Horatio stood outside the door. "Hamlet, I'm sorry," he said again. "Are you okay?"

Hamlet didn't answer. He should have known Horatio would forget. It wasn't like Horatio had even ever met Ophelia, so how could he have expected him to remember? Yet, at the same time, Horatio had always known that he still grieved for her. He hadn't noticed Hamlets discomfort all day, either.

Hamlet stifled more tears, as he slowly stood up and walked over to the door. He opened the door, and the two stood in silence for a moment.

Horatio hugged his boyfriend.

"Hamlet... I'm sorry..... I never meant...." he trailed off.

Hamlet looked up at the taller man whom he was hugging, he stared at his features for what seemed to be eternity.

"It's..... It's fine," he murmured. He knew Horatio hadn't meant to hurt him.

"Thanks," Horatio replied softly, "Are you ok? Do you, you know, want to talk about it?"

Hamlet took a deep breath. "It just that I miss her... so.... much.."

"It'll be okay, we have each other," Horatio said, hoping to comfort his boyfriend."Hamlet, look at me," he continued, pulling away and looking, lovingly, into Hamlet's eyes, "Everything is going to be fine."

Hamlet smiled, slightly. "Yeah" he mused, "Yeah, we're going to be fine!" He continued, his voice growing stronger, and he pulled Horatio close again.

"," Horatio said, between passionate kisses.

"I love you too," replied Hamlet.

The door bell rang.

"Pizzas here!" Horatio exclaimed, as he let go of Hamlet and ran to the door.

He returned a few moments later with a box of pizza in his arms.

"Wanna watch a movie?"


They entered their living room and sat down, Horatio turned on Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch?" asked Horatio.

"It doesn't really matter..." Hamlet leaned towards Horatio and started sucking on his neck.

"Stop it! I'm trying to find a movie!"

"I know" said Hamlet as he started placing kisses up and down Horatio's neck.

"HAMLET STOP! I just wanna watch a movie!"

He turned to Hamlet, grabbing both his hands, pulling them away from his pants, where they had been moving.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna tie up you're hands!"

Hamlet smirked at Horatio.

"I'm okay with that....daddy"

Horatio's jaw dropped.

"What are you doing, Hamlet?!? Let me be!" he cried.

"I... Just... I don't know," his boyfriend replied, breaking in tears again. All was silent as Horatio looked at him, unsure of what to say. In Horatio's arms, Hamlet slumped over, sobbing. "She's gone, Horatio, and I feel like I should be too!"

His friend wept tears of love, and embraced his boyfriend. "Come on Hamlet," he whispered, "you're just really tired. You've had a long day. Of course you miss Ophelia, she was your fiancée! But you shouldn't feel like it was your fault. You did nothing wrong! How about we go to bed now and we can talk about this in the morning."

Hamlet nodded, and went to their bedroom, while Horatio busied himself with cleaning up their dinner. When he got to their bedroom, just a minute later, he saw that Hamlet had already fallen asleep. Horatio realized just how emotionally strained Hamlet had been.

"Now cracks a noble heart. Goodnight sweet prince, and may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest," he murmured, kissing Hamlet's forehead, before climbing into bed as well.

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