Our Trainer!

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As Spike and Lilly sleep, out of nowhere an alarm starts blaring. "What's happening!?" Spike ask loudly. Suddenly an announcement is made over the intercom..."WARNING!!! POKESTAR CRUISE SHIP IS SINKING!!! GET TO THE LIFE BOATS IMMEDIATELY!!! DO NOT PANIC AND REMAIN CALM!!!" "Spike... Lilly! Come on! Let's get to the life boats!" The two pokemon follow their trainer to the deck in search of life boats "Where is everyone one?!" Lilly ask. "Maybe they made it to the life boats already..." Spike suggest. "Hopefully..." They all run to where the life boats should be but notice something is off... The life boats are gone! They look over the edge and see shattered life boats with dead bodies floating around. A tear rolls down Lilly's face. Spike hugs Lilly, trying to comfort her. "What do we do now!?" The trainer ask, then both of the Pokemon shrug. "Ummm..." Suddenly a few wooden planks slide past them. "That's it! We'll need to find a few wooden planks! Then we will float on the planks!" Spike suggest. "Great idea Spike." The two pokemon start to gather wooden planks. "Great idea you two!" The trainer starts gathering wooden planks as well. "Big piece incoming!" The trainer yells as a piece of a wall slides down the boat. "Quick! Jump onto that" they jump onto the wall piece "now hold on!" They ride the wall piece as it slides down the deck of the slanted boat. "Look out!" Their trainer forces Spike's and Lilly's head down as a sharp pole flies at them "Oof!" Spike and Lilly gasp as they watch their trainer get impaled by the pole straight through the heart. "OH NO!!!" both of the Pokemon yell. "l-live on... Spike... Lilly... Thank you for everything....." The trainer dies and falls off of the platform. Spike and Lilly start to cry as their platform finally hits the water. They both cry and curl up into a ball and cuddle close to each other as the Pokestar Cruise Ship meets its watery tomb. This is the end of The Pokestar Cruise Ship.

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