Truth or Dare: TC

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Me~ Hey my subjects! Me, Portal, here with some truth or dare with Team Crafted!

TC~ Hi.

Adam~ Where's the bathroom? *potty dance*

Me~ Adam, you're a baby. *tells him where it is*

Mitch~ That was weird.

Me~ Yeah.... So send in questions and requests! And I'll do something random whenever nothing is in or when ever I feel like it. Like "Bottle Slam" *evil laugh*

Jason~ I'm scared now.

Me~ You should be. *crazy laughter*

TC (except for Adam)~ Oh, no.

Me~ Goodbye, test subjects! Remember to send in dares and truths!

Adam~ *comes out of the bathroom, toilet paper stuck to his foot, but doesn't know it* You call your followers "test subjects"? *starts laughing*

Me~ *tries to hold in laughter from the toilet paper* Well, Adam. You might wanna look down.

Adam~ *looks down* Aww fudge! *face turns red with embarrassment*


Jason~ Fudge? Since when did you start saying that?

Adam~ since we have this thing. *points to me*

Me~ Well, thanks for loving me! *fake cries*

Adam~ Oh, darn it. *hugs me*

Me~ Yay!!! I has a friend!!! And remember to put in dares and all that, and goodbye my test subjects!

{PS- I accidentally didn't save the one I made 5 minutes ago, and I posted it. That's why it stopped in the middle of a person's line. So, yeah! Leave a question or request in the comments, and goodbye my subjects!}

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