chapter 10

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When I woke up.

I was in a basement, a very dark basement tied up in a chair.

I saw someone sitting in a chair across the room. I couldn't tell who it was though.

Then The person got up and walks toward me.

Me: Jason let me go

Jason: not a chance

Me: they are going to realize I'm gone

Jason: trust me they could care less if you were gone

Me: may I ask how long I was out

Jason: 3 days

Me: fuck!

Jason: you must be dehydrated

Me: no shit

Jason: I'm just not done with you yet

Me: ok

Then Jason turned on the lights and went to grab something

I decided to try to untie myself.

Then I saw a knife sitting on the table a few feet in front of me.

So I scooted my chair to the table and grabbed the knife.

I grabbed the knife scooted my chair back where it was and started to try to cut the rope.

I felt blood trickle down my hand and realized I cut myself but kept trying to cut the rope then finally I cut the rope.

I got up head up the stairs.

Then Jason saw me.

Jason: how the hell did you get out

I pulled out the knife

Me: smart you left the knife down there

Jason: damn it

He headed toward me. He tried to grab me but I jabbed him in the ribs.

And ran. Because of my lack of hydration I was weak. And I didn't get far when Jason grabbed me.

He threw me in the car.

Me: where are we going

Jason: you will see

Then when we finally got to where he was taking me.

It was at this old building. It used to be my old theater I used to go to when I was little.

Now it's just a old building no one uses.

He dragged me out of the car.

He tied me up to this old pipe where the stage used to be.

He got out me phone.

Jason: I'm gonna call your little friends.

He dialed Liam's number.

Liam picked up on the first ring.

Jason: you missing anything

Liam: where the hell is she

Elliot: what the hell do you want from us

Jason: Autumn here only has about 2 hours to live.

Skylar: Jason are you fucking serious

Jason: Skylar once she's gone we will be happy again

Skylar: I am happy when I'm with Autumn

Liam: where the hell is she

Jason: I'll give you a little hint..... She will just have to learn to take in the smoke.

Then Jason hung up.

Me: you will never get away with this

Jason: watch me.

He put the air condition on to 20 degrees and then he broke the broke open the pipe. Which allowed smoke to fill he room.

I heard the door slam shut. I heard him putting chains on the doors.

I started easily loosing consciousness.

I was freezing, I couldn't breathe.

I started to drift off into a deep deep sleep.

The last thing I remember is the room filled with smoke. It smelled like gas. It was freezing cold.

Then I was out just like that.

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