Forever and Always

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Your POV
I have known Mark for well, forever.
Mine and Mark's mom knew each other from high school so we were basically forced to be friends but I don't think either of us minded. We grew up together and I saw him almost every day except for Wednesdays. Every Wednesday Mark had to go to his uncle's house. He always hated it there. I always hated being stuck with Dad because my mom and Mark's mom would always go get drunk together. Me and Mark would spend our Wednesdays constantly texting non stop. We texted so much that we thought the other one was dead if they hadn't texted in the past 10 seconds. We knew each other back to front, inside and out like the back of our hands. We knew absolutely everything about each other no stone was unturned every secret was told, every disagreement was said and disputed. He was always there for me like a big brother and I made sure I was always there for him too though he didn't need me THAT much. Not nearly as much as I needed him,he was every thing to me. My punching bag, pillow, shoulder to cry on and my compliment generator all at the same time.

In high school everyone thought we were dating and all the girls hated me for it. Every girl in my school except for me adored Mark they all wondered how I was friends with him. Sometimes as a joke me and Mark would do really romantic stuff in front of everyone just to see their reactions and even though I knew it was all a joke I kinda liked it.

I walked down the street reminiscing the moments,cherishing each one in my mind like a dream you never want to end. I walked into the door and walked over to the counter to be greeted by a friendly nurse.

"Who are you here to see" she said in a monotone voice.
To be honest I would be the same if I worked on a mental hospital.

"Mark Edward Fischbach please" I replied

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