Police and Prison Cells

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Your POV

I had no words. I slumped backwards my heads in my hands and weeped. How was this even possible? Questions flooded my mind like kids in sweet shops. I took my gut instinct and grabbed my phone pressing 'Emergency Call'. I told the police every thing that had happened. Well not everything just that I found a dead body and a note that said suprise on top. As I waited for the police I stroked BF/N's hair softly, tears streaming down my face. The police knocked on the door and I rushed down stairs almost falling. I opened the door and led them upstairs. I opened the door.
"Uh ma'am?" The officer said looking into the room confused. My vision started to go blurry(face) from tears. A clean made bed with no dead body on. I walked over to see the note remained but the blood had vanished. I passed the police the note.
"This,um, isn't enough proof im afraid ma'am" One of the officers said looking like he wanted to believe me but couldn't.
"We are just going out here to discuss quickly" The other officer pointing into the hallway. They slowly creaked the door shut and I burst into tears. Nothing made any sense at all. This wasn't even possible in any way shape or form. I TOUCHED the body. I didnt just see it. My brain had been scrambled and I started to get dizzy. The door opened revealing the police.
"Uh we have made a decision. You are being arrested for 2 days for the misuse of the emergency services. We are not saying we dont believe you but the proof is very little. We are extremely sorry"

What had he done.

I finally updated!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the very tiny filler chapter but i haven't got any ideas. Also it really annoys me when the main characters are fricken stupid (Idk if i can swear or not. Can I?) and don't do the obvious task of calling the police. Oh! Thank you all so so so so so SOOOO much for all the positive feedback I have been getting recently. I try to reply to every comment but you guys outsmart me so I don't have anything to reply with XD


Day after publish update:
It was late at night and I made SO many mistakes XD. I have corrected them all now (I think)

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