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Quick authors note: I haven't gotten a cover for this book yet. I will get it soon. If I already have got a cover them ignore this.

I was finishing Alice in Wonderland when Raisa burst into the room. "Today's the victory tour!" She squealed, immediately applying make-up. She shoved me into some sneakers and makes me put on a yellow dress.

She shoved me in a black limo and slammed the door. My driver drove me to the Train Station, where Arabella stood waiting. The press and paparazzi crowded around us, cameras and notebooks in hand. Ella and Jackronned chased them off and brought us into the Train.

We went to our form, where a lunch in bed has been served. There is a small balcony for our room that sticks out of the Train and is one milimeter above the platform.

We stepped onto the balcony to give some journalists a few answers and then the Train started moving. I waved to my parents.

"Hey!" I said to Arabella. "Why are you all the way at District 12?"
"Oh!" She replied. "I took the Train here. Since District 12 is closer to 11 than 9, they made me come here."

I nodded in understanding. We went inside to eat. We usually get bored on trains, so after eating we play tag in the hall. The hall is this huge room with a glass roof and three chadeliers which is at the back of the train.

We dressed in twin silver evening gowns with matching silver shoes for dinner. We ate like total dogs at dinner and Ella was so freaked out that she left the dining hall early.

Sleep came easily that night. It was easy when your roof was glass and you could see the sky. I couldn't wait for the fun part of the tour to begin...

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