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I watched as they dressed Jishy for the chariot ride. They went with black, the colour of coal. Black lipstick, black eyeshadow. Black stained-glass slippers. A strapless ball gown with a sweetheart neckline. The top was covered with black pearls and lace tied around the tight waist. Her skirt poofed up in a perfect semi-circle and had black pearls around the hem. Like me, they dyed the ends of the black hair red to look like burning coal and she had a black princess tiara with a ruby in the middle.

I helped my sister up onto the chariot next to James. The chariot was black with red wheels with one black horse and one russet horse. Haymitch, Abbi and I head to the twelfth floor of the training center, where we shall watch my sister train.

I say alone on floor 12. Abbi was busy with her Capitol friends. Haymitch was drinking. So I went down to floor 9 to see Arabella.

"You know." She asked me when we sat at the bar, drinking tea. "Why, of all things, did they call Haymitch Jackronned?"
"Some things are just wierd." I said.
"They could just call him Jack Weasley."
"Don't ask me, ask the people who made the joke."

We headed out into the city to buy things to send back to our district's. I bought bread, fruit and chicken. Arabella just bought an apple which she ate because she was hungry.

We went to level 12 to watch the tributes train through the holo-vision. Jishy was training at the archery station with a twelve year old girl from district 7.

That night I was playing chess with Jishy when I heard a strange noise. Like a mix of a bark, howl and human baby cry. A sound that I recognised but I forgot from what. All of a sudden, Haymitch, Abbi and a panicking Arabella burst into the room.

"Run!" Yelled Haymitch. "Run to the lift and get out of here. What ever you do, don't stop!" We ran up three flights of stairs to the lift and took it to the ground floor.

We ran out of the Training Centre and into the streets. That's when I saw them. Muttations.

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