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The tour was boring the same thing was repeated for all the districts. Speech, eat, go. I returned to District 12 and I could finally go back to hunting. Early in the morning, I grabbed the bow and quiver and hurried out to hunt. I shot one deer and decided to hike through the woods to explore it more.

Summer was coming as the sun grew hotter and hotter. I found a huge lake I've never seen before. I leave my belongings on a wooden tree stump and wash the blood off the deer. I take off my shoes and jacket and jump in. A snow-white bunny hopped over to me and lapped the water.   I petted it and gave it a mini carrot from my pocket. I remember that bunny I got from the arena. I still have it. I alk over to my jacket, take it out and the two bunnies start playing catch.

I hop back into the water, swimming around for a bit more. The sun rise higher and I check my waterproof watch. 11 o'clock. I shake myself off, retrieve my stuff and set off to home. Wjen I get home I feed the bunnies and give them two baskets for beds. I give the new bunny to my older sister, Jishy, but I keep the one from the arena for myself. Sleep comes easily that night but have a nightmare...


I ran through the forests of the arena, bunny and sword in hand. William chased me, yelling in rage. "You killed me!" He yelled. "You left me to the muttations!" I ran as fast as me feet could carry me. Mockingjays spat bombs at me whilst Careers shot arrows. I grabbed the Cornucopia and slammed it on Williams head. I ran away from the others when I hit a tree.

---Real World---

I woke up om the floor. Stupid tree-floor! There was a huge bruise on my forehead. Raisa is going to be SO angry.

I watched the hummingbirds outside, twittering and fluttering. I went down the stairs, skipping a step each time. I chipped some cereal and milk.

I decided to go to the Job to sell my deer. I finally sold it to Sarah Sad, Miss Greasy Sae's daughter who helps the local butcher. I come home with the coins and help mum cook chicken stew. The aroma is delicous.

After lunch, dad and I went to the woods to hunt. This time Mushy followed us. David taught her how to hunt during the weekend's when I was in the arena. I taught her to check and set up snares.

After our snares caught one Turkey, we went fishing. Twelve salmons. Then we did real hunting. We shot a bunny, three sheep and a lamb, six deer and a mockingjay. With extra help, I get three times my usual haul.

We go to the lake I discovered and wash the blood out. We have a swim. I had a water fight with them. After a swim, we head home, dad cracking his usual 'Yo Mama' jokes.

I pass four of the deer, all the sheep, the mockingjay (nobody except my family eats them), half the salmon and the bunny to mum. The rest I sell in the Hob.

Even though I don't need to sell it, I want to. Firstly, hunting is my hobby. My family and I are going to spend lots of the money on useless things, so I just want to be safe.

I come home with a sack of coins. The local butcher bought everything. For dinner, mum cooked Mockingjay Soup with sliced salmon and broccoli. I finish quickly, for tomorrow the prep team are coming early in the morning. Arabella, the other past victors who are still alive and I have to attend a Gala in the Capitol.

The reaping is coming soon. I am the new mentor and Jackronned is my assistant. With my help, I'm quite sure our tributes are going to be victors.

I have tried to put a cover for the story but it's not working. I'll try to get it there.

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