i n t r o d u c t i o n

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Since I have no life whatsoever and I have no friends to rant to, I decided to make a book; technically a rant book. 

I will talk about anything and everything in here, and reminder: these are my opinions, yes you can agree to disagree but please keep in mind that you're reading my book; I don't want to have to read hate comments. But, you can pm me and reasonably talk with me with what's bothering you in this book that I wrote and maybe then I can change it.

It's okay to voice your opinions in here and challenge my opinions but just don't go overboard because that's what some readers do in here and it really disrespects the author of the book, aka me.

Also if some of you don't know: I am sexually confused and if it makes you uncomfortable then you should stop reading and remove this from your current reads but I am going to try to be a tad bit less gay.

As always, thank you for reading my books. You guys mean the world to me and please, please, please tell me if I make any mistakes since I'm writing all of my books in my phone because my computer broke down months ago (not my fault by the way).

As always, let the gayness & rants begin!

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