yuri!!! on ice

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genre: anime
topic: gayness & figure skating
disclaimer: spoilers!!

okay first of all, this anime is just so beautiful and the graphics are just amazing. If you are a sucker for detailed work then I recommend yuri!!! on ice. second of all, the bonds are like so fucking powerful, romance, brotherhood, family, friends are all portrayed so strongly in there and you basically ship everyone with everyone. yuri and viktor are one of the main characters in here and mostly everyone ships them together, I see why because:

sexual tension.
star-naked hot bath scenes.
duo figure skating.
hugs before & after every performance.
eye raping.
the way they think of each other.
viktor being the coach is eveRYTHING.
yuri having mental breakdowns & viktor trying to help him.
sleeping together.
yuri always admiring viktor.
and so much more.

There's also another yuri in the show but he's a Russian figure skater who is an aggressive cinnamon roll (who is secretly gay and a cat lover). He has so much potential to be honest, he is one of my favorites because he-llo? Did you see how he skates? Did you see his hair? Did you see how much he just wants to be noticed and loved? Did you see how he is just sad and wants somebody to care about him? He is a fucking fifteen year old. He deserves so much more in his life and I hope that he will be happy for once.

I am still not done with my episodes since I have three more left so I'll be writing another chapter for this, so don't worry: there's more rants coming about this topic. We are not done.


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