horror movies

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genre: thriller & horror
topic: recommendations & a flashback story
disclaimer: a lot of swearing

ok school has ended for me and I have nO fucking idea what to do. like sure, I can study and prepare to be the top in my school but lmao who does that???

since I know that I'll be spending my days doing absolutely nothing since my parents have work to do, I want you guys to recommend me horror movies!! or even tv shows if you want, but they hAVe tO bE hORrOr. you see, since I was a little child I was scared and always shat bricks whenever I saw one scary scene. Since my cousin knew that, she dared me to watch a fucking, goddamn scary movie called "one call" (I'm not sure if it is the right title tho). Since I was goody-good shoes I obliged aND GOD WHY DID I HAVE TO WATCH IT. I HAD NIGHTMARES FOR THREE FUCKING YEARS.

she knew that it was scary. nOt just scary but "fuck I think I'm going to have nightmares until I get married" scary, which for me is: never. lol jk....

I ruined the mood didn't I?

The point is, from now on I thinking beat my inner self that's scared of horror & thriller movies and I'm proud of myself.

sO ha suck that cousin.


Just please recommend me some horror movies because I am bored out of my life.


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