its ok to cry

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first of all before I start: sorry not sorry for the last chapter.

it's currently 10.12 pm, I am laying on the edge of my bedtime and it's very dark. There's a mirror right in front of me so I might as well start saying bloody marry three times.

anyways this is not why I want to write about. I want to write about depression. Depression comes in many forms, and it comes into every different people. Different stories behind different fake masks of "I am fine" and forced smiles. I went through this. I fought it. And I came back out; a little bit broken inside but a more mature and happy than I was months ago.

Sure, I thought about cutting myself, leaving scars on my body. Sure. I thought about many ways to die, to end my life because I thought that I didn't matter.

What I didn't do is accept the fact that it's okay to cry. I had it bottled in me for so many months that I forgot to breathe. I had it all inside me, driving me crazy minutes by minutes that I forgot to cry. It's okay to open your wounds and pour out your emotions and feelings. We, people, are supposed to feel.

I don't really know why I'm writing this, but if you guys are out there; needing someone to guide them through and show them that they are strong and perfect just the way they are; then I am here.

This is to people who are broken.
This is to people who just want love.
This is to people who don't realize that it's ok to cry.
This is to people who think that the time stopped for them; it didn't.

It's time to realize that you should just let it all out. Scream, cry, write it all down, text it to someone; just please, please don't keep it inside you. It will destroy you. Don't make the same mistake I have done.

I hope that you will be fine someday,

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