Ch. 1

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Hinata's pov
~3 years after graduation~

Kageyama and I moved to Tokyo a year ago, after his work decided to transfer him for a reason I didn't know. I on the other hand decided I wanted to coach a youth volleyball league. Not exactly a job but just enough to keep me busy since my accident two years ago. Kageyama refused to play without me as his spiker. The accident broke the both of us, the team and our families.

Natsu choose to play volleyball in grade school and high school, I was happy for her. I really miss the power of my spike and Kageyama's sets. He went off to work for some weird company, supporting the both of us...though he doesn't talk about it much. I know he misses volleyball and Karasuno.

The apartment was quiet without Kageyama. On the wall were pictures of the Karasuno high school volleyball team from three years ago. I miss them so much.

A knock woke me from my thoughts. "Hold on!" I sounded as I got up from the couch. Two really tall men in black greeted me at the door.

"Hinata Shōyō?"

"Yeah? Can I help you with something?"

"Is Kageyama Tobio home by any chance?"

"No sir but he should be home soon if you guys would like to hang out. Would a cup of tea sound nice? Its terribly cold out."

"Yeah, I don't see no harm." The men were about my age I noticed. Very tall and fit. One had his head shaved and the other had black shaggy hair with a little blond in the front. They looked oddly familiar. "You have a very lovely home, Mr. Hinata."

"Why thank you. Kageyama was against putting pictures on the wall, but he's stubborn."

"Got that right." They both laughed, as I handed them a cup of tea.

"So, is Kageyama in any trouble? If he is, I'm really sorry. He's a hard man to control."

"Not to worry Hinata, he's not in trouble. We work with him."

"Oh...he's never really mentioned work before..."

"Personally, its not our place to tell you. He'll tell you eventually, sooner or later."

"Good, I've been curious."

"We understand, you two are very close I presume."

"Yeah, more like soulmates."

"Well, of course."

The sound of the door opening and closing made me excited. "Hinata! I'm home!" Kageyama walked into the kitchen. "Good evening gentleman, you better not have touched my sunshine."

"Not to worry Kags. Good to see ya."

"You as well. How's the families."


I was super confused. "What!!!? You were expecting them to come!!??"

"Yes, Dumbass Hinata. Can I have a hug?"

"Fine, I guess so." I wrapped my arms around his waist, I wasn't as short as I was in high school, I grew up to Tobio's shoulders.

"Thank you. Now Hinata, I bet you're wonder who these men are by now, since you're probably to stupid to remember." He laughed at me. "You better remember Tanaka and Nishinoya."

My eyes widened. "Noya?! Tanaka?! Oh my god, guys I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me I missed you guys so much!" I tackled my best friends in hugs.

"What has happened to you, Hinata, I've noticed you limp a little??" Everyone thought you guys would be Olympic champs by now." Noya-san had to point out.

"Well...its a long story..." Kageyama placed his hand in mine, nodding. I trusted them. "During a match two years ago, I dislocated my knee and didn't tell anyone. Later on, I thought I was fine, as I went to jump and my knee buckled bringing me to the ground. I completely fractured my knee."

"Oh god, Hinata we had no idea." Tanaka please pulled me into a hug, then Noya.

"Its okay, I'm okay now. Kageyama was the one who refused to play without me. I spent the last year and half recovering, afraid to ever play again." My eyes watered, as Kageyama hugged me close. I told myself not to cry.

"We honestly had no idea. Why didn't you tell us??"

"I didn't want to worry Suga and Daichi and the team."

"Well I'm glad we finally know why you aren't playing anymore, and I'm glad you're okay." Noya nodded.

"Thanks guys. Now back to Kageyama...what the hell is going on!"

" you might wanna sit down for this." The guys pulled a chair up, I took a seat. "Tanaka, Noya, and I work for a really rich and well known secret government organization that deals with illegal smuggling into the country."

Before I could say anything, Tanaka pitched in. "Kageyama here is one of the best, top of his class..." I was shocked....I can't believe this.

"No way..."

"Its true, sunshine."

"And you never bothered to tell me! Kageyama, I'm your boyfriend! I'm very disappointed in you, Tobio." My mom pulled the disappointed card a few times, so I thought I'd try it.

"Guys, could you give us some privacy?" He asked Tanaka and Nishinoya.

"Of course." They both left the room.

"Shōyō, listen to me sunshine. It was to protect you. I didn't tell you because it was to to keep you safe. I can't live with myself if you ever got hurt because of me." He looked at his feet. I took his face in my hands.

"Tobio, oh Tobio. Its gonna be okay, I forgive you, King."

"Please don't call me that Hinata. We've been over that."

"Right, sorry Kageyama."

"I thought that if i didn't tell you would stay safe and wouldn't get hurt. But there's a guy from my middle school who really hates me. He will do anything to make sure I feel pain. Do you understand Hinata?"

"Yes, I understand Kageyama. Don't worry to much about me."

"That's not gonna be that easy, Hinata Shoyo."

"It never is, Kageyama Tobio."

(A/n~ so I may have fucked up on ages so there will be some editing done to the next few chapters. Thank you for understanding)

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