Ch. 6

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The train station today was very busy. People either coming home from work or going. People with grocery's and book bags. I clung tight to Tobio's arm as we pushed through the crowd.

"Ya alright there, Sunshine?" He smiled, looking down at me.

"To many people's...much scary."

"Shōyō, you are 22 years old. I'd say grow up a little, but you're adorable." He kissed my forehead. We were able to get on the train but we had stand. Kageyama held me close to him, he knew me well enough that I would wonder off and probably get hurt.

"Tobio... don't be embarrassing." I blushed a deep red. 

"I can't tell a lie about your adorkbleness, my little ball of happiness." That's the thing with Kageyama. Since we got together about four years ago, when we're alone or with the team, he's very cheesy. Cheesier than me. And that's saying something. 

The train ride for the rest of that afternoon was awfully nice. Not so many people came and went like earlier. It was rather nice too. When going grocery shopping in the city you have to be careful what you put on the train. Usually you would bags and bags for the entire month or so, but in our case, we usually carried two bags of our own from home. It carried more then paper and plastic bags. 

Upon arrival at the grocery store. We were surprised to find Daichi and Suga. "Daichi!! Suga!! Look Tobio! Its volleyball mom and dad!" I jumped up and down, yelling so they could hear me.

Suga smiled his mom smile and pulled Daichi over. "Hinata, Kageyama! It's so good to see you two."

We exchanged hugs. "Hi! How are you?" Daichi asked, smiling. 

"We're good. I'm sometimes busy on some days, but Hinata here just stays home and will occasionally co-coach a young volleyball team." Tobio nodded. 

"Really? I thought you two would be on an Olympic team." Suga frowned.

"I really wish I was, but I had a bit of an accident with my knee. I fractured it in many places two years ago." I told them about that tragic and scary day. 

Both Daichi and Suga gasped hugging me again. "Lots of us have sustained injuries. Daichi's arm, Tsukishima's fingers, your knee, Noya's arms for all those powerful hits. I hope everything is okay now." Suga wrapped his arm around his fiance's waist. Oh wait, maybe I should have mentioned that. 

Kageyama smiled. "Congrats you two."

At first I didn't quite understand. "What? What's going on? Tobio, what is it?"

They all laughed. "Oh Sunshine, I love you and all but damn are you clueless."

"Hey!" I frowned. "What's going on?"

"Oh come on Hinata, no need to get angry. Kageyama, stop being mean. Its okay, that he didn't get it. Hinata, Daichi proposed to me and I said yes!" Suga's ring was a simple silver band with Daichi's name engraved on it. It was very pretty.

"OH MY GOSH!!" I jumped up and down. "Congratulations!!"

"Thank you, Hinata." I got hugged again. I was so happy for them, I could've cried.

Daichi ruffled my hair like the good dad he was. "Please call us if you two need anything, anything at all. And expect the invitation."

"See ya later!!" I called and waved good bye to them. Kageyama wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "I'm so happy for them."

"Me too." He smiled down at me.

"Come on, Tobio. We have grocery to get." I laughed as he put his head down on my shoulder.
I honestly believe that that Kageyama hates grocery shopping. He's always grumpy and scowls me when I put something in the cart that's not on the list. Its always either, Shōyō, no or Sunshine for the last time, we don't need chocolate.

After a hour and a half in the grocery store, we were finally done and Tobio was a little pissed off...oops.

"Next time, I'm doing the grocery shopping and that's final."

"At least we got it done, Kageyama Tobio. Quit you're complaining, Dark Cloud."

"Sunshine, you never put what's on the list in the cart. I'm not buying you junk food." He crossed his arms. The walk back to the train station was quiet. Kageyama was blowing off steam, so I didn't bother him.

Back at home, groceries were put away, and we sat on the couch to watch a movie. Tobio held me close to him, I snuggled into his side.

Tobio is always so warm and comfortable, I never wanna leave his side. I slowly fell asleep.

(A/n) hey everyone, I'm sorry for a shorter chapter. I'm trying my best to continue this. So I greatly apologize for all the filler chapters. I promise it will get better soon! Stand by!

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