Ch. 3

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(Quick a/n: Young Natsu and Shōyō are so adorkable! Disclaimer~ I don't own Haikyuu or its characters. I'm really sorry updating late, its my fault.)
Natsu and I looked through the kitchen cabinets, looking for anything we could get our hands on. Even as little kids we liked to look for sweets, when mom wasn't watching of course.

"Tobio is very strict about how much sugar I eat, so he hides things from me." I stood on my tippy toes, looking into the cabinet above the microwave.

"Well that's not very nice of him."

"Yeah, well that's how he is but I can't really say much. I do love him." I smiled. My hand came across a bag of cookie mix. "Hey, Natsu? Wanna make these?"

"Yeah! I wanna do it by myself! Go talk to mom!" She snatched the back out if my hands.

"Well then..." I left the kitchen. I sat down next to my mom. "Hi mama."

She smiled at me. "Hello Shōyō. You have such a nice home. I'm so happy to see Kageyama taking good care of you."

"Yeah, he's the best. Natsu has grown so much."

"She's so much like you, its scary. She just doesn't make volleyball her life." My mom couldn't help but laugh and that was okay. I couldn't really be insulted by that, she's my mom.

"Yeah...Its not like I can play anymore anyways." I shrugged.

"Well I'm just glad we can sit down and talk."

"Me too, mom." It was great to see my family but I missed Tobio. I couldn't help but sigh. We've been together since the last part of our first year in high school.

"What's wrong, my son?" My mom frowned.

"Nothing, mama. I was just hoping we could spend the day as a family with Tobio. But when work calls you gotta go."

"I know how you feel. Your father was the same way..." She rarely talked about dad.

"Really? Mom, tell me more about dad." I asked, pulling out my puppy dog eyes.

"Shōyō...okay, but don't let Natsu know. She's not ready to know yet." My mom nodded. "Your dad and I meet our final year of high school. Which was rough, let me tell ya. My parents just wanted me to focus on school and getting into a great college. With all the classes I was taking, you know how stressful it was. Well anyway, I ended up failing a class. He was assigned as my tutor." My mom chuckled, I was surprised.

She continued her story. "Thanks to him, I was able to graduate high school on time. Turns out we got accepted into the same college. We spend the next three years dating and finally at the end of my senior year of college, I got pregnant with you." She booped my nose.

I smiled. It sounded like she didn't regret having me, even though she was about my age.

"After you were born, it was the happiest day of both our lives. Six years later we had Natsu." She just looked so happy. "But as you know, not long after we had Natsu, he left. No real explanation of why, just left."

"I know, mama. It was hard on all of us." I hugged her. "Do ya think he'll ever come back?"

"I don't know, Shōyō. Its been this long...we have no way to contact him. He probably has his own family by now."

"But that's not fair! We're his family!" I was a little angry at that.


"I'm going to find him and when I do, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!"

"Oh Shōyō were always the confident little kid...never change."

"I won't mama, I promise." We hugged again. Natsu even join us. All of us, a family.

               ~~~A hour later~~~
Kageyama came home, looking exhausted. He didn't say hello to any of us. He just slammed the door to our bedroom.

I frowned, Natsu told me to go talk to him. So I did. I gently knocked our door. "Kags?" I opened the door. He sat on our bed, head in his hands.

"What's wrong, Kageyama?" I sat next to him.

"I fucked up, Sunshine. I fucked up big time." He looked at me, his gorgeous blue eyes looked sad.

"Talk to me, Kags. I'm right here." I rubbed his back. I felt him take a deep breath.

"Sunshine..." He looked unsure, but sighed. "As you know, the people I work with are very secretive. When I got called in, the organization was under attack. I don't know how it happened, but someone told on me for telling you about my work. They said I could put the organization in danger...I fucked up."

I wrapped him up a big hug. "Shhh, it was just an accident, Kageyama. I'm sure it was just a simple mistake."

"Yeah right, of course. I'm sorry to worry everyone. I take it they're still here." I nodded.

"Come on! Natsu made cookies!"

"Oh no! You found them!"

"I did! It was terrible hiding place, if I may say so myself."

"Damn you, Sunshine, damn you."

I grinned. "You love me, so it's okay."

"I do love you. You are my Sunshine."

"I know I am. And you're my Kags." I smiled. I leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips. "Come on, my mom and Natsu are still here."

He frowned. "I want a real kiss then we can go out there."

"Fine. Just one." I gave him a kiss on the lips. He pulled me onto his lap. After a minute or so, I pulled away. "There, you got your kiss."

"You're so cute, I love you." He whispered in my ear, I blushed.

"Kageyama....that's embarrassing....I love you stop it, my mom's in the kitchen...."

"Uuggghhh, fine..." He looked disappointed but it was for the best. I took his hand, bringing him to my mom and sister.

"Welcome home, Kageyama!" Natsu smiled.

"Welcome home, Tobio." My mom smiled. We all sat in the living room, talking till dinner.

[Art credit to: Craziiwolf on Instagram]

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