Ch. 5

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~I'm super sorry for this late update, as explained in Mind Thoughts with Luka (another work of mine with news and stuff), I've been having trouble with myself and life. So I'm super sorry for the late updates. Please enjoy.~
I woke up earlier than Tobio that next morning. I took a shower and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I set a kettle on the stove for tea and made us food. I decided on pancakes, it was gonna have to work cause we needed groceries.

I heard Tobio's footsteps enter the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around my waist, head resting on my shoulder. "Good morning, Sunshine." He mumbled on my neck. Tobio's voice was lower than usual, I knew he was tired still.

"Good morning." I giggled. "That tickles, Dark Cloud."

"Good." He placed a quick kiss on my neck. "Smells good babe."

"Thank you. Its your turn for dishes. Oh and we need to go grocery shopping."

"Yeah yeah, I gotcha. Breakfast first, then shower." He took the plate of pancakes and set the table.

"I ready took one, so it's all yours." I smiled, flipping the last two pancakes. "I need to write a list of what we need, so tell me."

"Bread, milk, eggs, meat, cheese, all that good stuff. I don't know if I have to work. I surely hope not."

"I hope not too. I am not going grocery shopping all alone." Placing the last pancakes in the pile, I took a seat across from him. "Don't wait for me, Tobio. Eat."

"Oh stop it. You sound like my mom..." He rolled his eyes, stacking a couple on his plate.

"Speaking on mom's. Can we invite the team over sometime. I miss them all. And. And, I wanna invite your parents over for the holidays too."

"Sunshine... I like the first idea. I miss them too. But the other one....I don't know...I'm not that close to my parents. They were never really around much." He didn't sound very thrilled about the ideas.

"Oh but come on, Tobio. Its been so long since I've seen them and my mom hasn't really meat them properly and I have so many go-"

"Shōyō, enough." He interrupted. "I said no, and that's final." He got up, leaving the kitchen.

I sat there, alone and sad. Kageyama hasn't freaked out on me like that in a while. "Dammit." I frowned, cleaning the breakfast mess. I did the dishes and wiped down the table. When I finished, I sat in the living room.

Tobio was probably in the shower. Knowing him, he had to cool off his attitude. I took this opportunity to call his mom.

"Hello." She picked up after the third ring.

"Hello, Mrs. Kageyama. This is Hinata Shōyō."

"Ah, Hinata. Its very nice to hear from you. How may I help you?"

"Well I was wondering what you planning for the holidays, ma'am."

"Nothing really. Tobio's never seems to want us around anymore." She sounded a little sad.

"Would you like to spend the holidays with Tobio and I? My mom and sister are planning on coming too."

"That would be very lovely, Hinata dear."

"Thank you so much! This means a lot to me and Tobio, when he's not currently being stubborn."

"He's always been stubborn. This was your idea, wasn't it?"

"It was very much my idea, ma'am."

"Well I'm very glad you called and invited us."

"My pleasure." I smiled. "Well I'm sorry you're very busy, so I will let you go."

"Yes, have a good day Hinata Shōyō."

"You as well Mrs. Kageyama." I sighed as a hung up. That was a super nerve racking experience. I hoped I was polite enough and blew Kageyama's mom's mind. I borrowed Tobio's laptop to start my research on my father.

About an hour of absolute nothing, I was about to give up. "Hey, Sunshine. Can you please come here?"

"Yeah, one second." I rubbed my head, putting the laptop to the side. I walked to our bedroom. Kageyama stood in the middle of the room, in nothing but a towel around his waist. "Yes?"

"I've been thinking-"

"In your towel? I'm absolutely confused, my Dark Cloud. We should've gone grocery shopping like a hour ago."

"Well I was gonna get dressed but then I started thinking, before you interrupted, I'll agree to have my parents com-"

I interrupted again. "Oh good, cause I already called your mom."

"Shōyō! What the hell?! I told you not too." He looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"I couldn't help myself! I thought we could spend the holidays as a family, all of us together. Don't yell at me, Tobio Kageyama."

He took a deep breath, calming down. "Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell, I was just surprised." He wrapped into a hug, my head against his bare chest. His skin was always super soft and really comfortable.

I pushed away, blushing. "Get dressed, Dark Cloud. We have grocery shopping to do."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Sunshine."

I left the bedroom to make a list of what we need and to out my shoes on. Kageyama came out five minutes later in jeans and his volleyball jacket. I smiled, realizing that I missed our volleyball family more then before.

He kissed my forehead. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, of course. Let's go grocery shopping!!" I jumped up an down, putting my wallet, phone, keys to the apartment in my pocket.

He opened the door. "After you, Sunshine."

"Why, thank you Dark Cloud." I smiled, taking Kageyama's hand and walking to the train station.

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