Ch. 2

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~For those of you who are confused. I had made a mistake on the ages. So now going through everything should be alright and edited.
Disclaimer: Haikyuu and it's characters do not belong to me. All respect for their amazing creator~
The next morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon and French toast. I knew right away Tobio wasn't in bed, it was his special breakfast. I didn't know why but I wasn't gonna argue.

While lying in bed, I texted Natsu and mom. Asking if they wanted to catch the next train to Tokyo to visit. Natsu and her super fast thumbs agreed with a smiley face. Mom agreed too.

I walked out of our bedroom, smiling at all the high school pictures. Tobio and I at dances, our team after matches all sweaty and tired. Daichi, Suga and Asahi's graduation, Noya, Tanaka, Ennoshita and the other two I forgot the name of graduation. Lastly to graduate, Tobio, Tssuki, Yama and I.

Natsu's first day of school pictures were lined up on the wall starting at pre-k all the way up to her first year in high school. Mom had also sent pictures from her volleyball matches and team pictures.

In the living room, on the wall hung our jerseys next to each other. Beside them was the team winning nationals and coach Ukai, sensei Takeda, and Yachi and Kiyoko. I smiled at those and walked into the kitchen, wrapping my arms around Tobio waist.

"Good morning, Sunshine. How'd ya sleep?" He asked, flipping bacon.

"Pretty good. Mom and Natsu are coming to visit today." My head was resting on his back.

"Oh...okay...good to know..." Usually when he said stuff like that, he was angry.

"What is it, Tobio?? Did you not want to see my family today??" I asked, making him face me.

"Well I was hopping we could have a day to ourselves but you want to see your family, so it's okay with me." He sighed.

"We can do that tomorrow, promise. Right now, I want a good morning kiss." I pulled on Tobio's shirt, I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. He gave me a small kiss, I knew he didn't want to burn our breakfast.

"Go and set the table." He rolled his eyes, smiling. Some things never change.

"Say the magic word, Kageyama Tobio. And dont be so rude."

"Please Hinata Shōyō, my sunshine, will you go and set our tiny ass table because it's just us two." He grinned. I laughed.

"Yes, I can. But don't swear, its rude." I crossed my arms, grinning back.

"If you say rude one more time, I will have to eat this wonderful breakfast by myself." He shrugged, knowing he would win.

"Okay, okay. You win." I stood on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. I was still to small but I managed.

After setting the table, Kageyama placed the food in the middle. We always sat next to each other instead of across, it was just more comfortable. "So how'd ya sleep, Tobio?" I asked. He normally liked his mornings quiet but I wanted to talk.

"It was fine, dumbass. I sleep with you now, so it was fine. I may or may not have to work today." He ate an egg. I was just glad he didn't argue with me and wanting to talk.

"Well yeah I know, I was just asking." I tapped my foot, staying quiet for a few minutes. "Will you be able to hang out with Natsu, mom, and I??"

"Yes, Hinata. Now eat your breakfast or else I will." He grinned again. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and sat in silence.

After breakfast was done, Kageyama put the leftovers away while I did the dishes. There was a knock at the door, but I was too busy to answer it. "Kageyama, the door."

"Sure thing, Hinata." He called opening the door. From the room over, I tried to hear who it was. "Yeah, he's in the kitchen."

My wonderful, happy little sister bounced into the kitchen. With a huge smile plastered on her face, Natsu gave me a big hug. I sometimes forget she's already 16 and in high school, buy I missed her. "Did ya miss me, Shōyō?!"

"I will miss ya, little sis." I ruffled her bright, orange hair. "Wanna help me with the dishes?"

"Okay!" She smiled, rinsing the plates, forks and could from this morning.

Next I gave my mom a big hug. "I missed you, mom."

"Shōyō..." I knew she was trying hard not to cry. With me away in Tokyo, Natsu in high school and our father who knows where, its been rough on her for the longest time.

"Don't cry, mama. Its almost the holidays. You are welcome to spend the holidays with Tobio and I, you are family." I haven't exactly discussed it with Kageyama, but I wasn't gonna talk about it.

"Thank you, Shōyō." My mom kissed my check. "So, what are the plans for today?"

Kageyama came into the kitchen with a worried look. "I'm sorry to ruin everyone's day, but I just got a call from work. I'll only be there for a little bit." He kissed my cheek. "It was good to see you Ms. Hinata, and you Natsu."

"See ya later, Kageyama!" Natsu waved as I walked with him to the door.

"Do you have to go?" I frowned.

"Yeah...I'm sorry, sunshine. You know I don't want too. But it's an emergency. I really gotta go." He gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I love you, Sunshine."

"I love you too, Tobio. Be careful."

"I will, Sunshine. I'll see ya soon." And with that Kags was out the door with a coat.

"Shōyō? Everything alright, brother?" Natsu crossed her arms, frowning.

"Yeah, everything's all right." I nodded. "Come let's find something we can do today. You can tell me all about high school life so far.

"Okay, sounds good to me?" She turned that frown upside down.

[Art credit to: dreamxxdream on Tumblr.]

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