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God it's so cold!!!

It's December here in CarverHill Town. December 6th to be exact. A few more days and we'll be out for Christmas break. I'm so excited. I'll be spending Christmas with my best friend, Victor Williams.

I shiver as I continue my walk to CarverHill High. It was really cold out here.

I made it to the parking Lot and stopped to survey the area. No one was really here, except for a few scattered here and there. I walk up to the school and plop down right on the steps, blowing out clouds of air.

I checked the time on my phone: 6:38 a.m. The school would open in about 7 minutes.

That's when a loud BANG came from the left side of the school, echoing off into the air. I snapped my head left, finding dumpsters there. I contemplated before standing and walking over to the dumpster. I peered behind it, only to find Denver Holt, the school's "hottest" jock, lying on the ground, his booksack open, and items scattered across the lot. I quickly ran to grab escaping papers as he jumped to his feet, scrambling to get his book sack. I grabbed as many papers as I could and made my way back to him.

"I'm sorry, I fell, I can be so clumsy sometimes. You didn't have to do that." He said, an embarrassed smile on his face.

I shook my head, "It's cool."

I turned to walk away, but I heard him call out, "I didn't get your name!"
I stopped and turned.

"Shouldn't you already know it?" I asked, surprise in my voice, but it went dull, "Oh wait, I forgot you're popular."

I started back towards the school steps, leaving him deep in thought. I sat down and after a few moments, he came over, taking a seat next to me.

"How long have you gone to this school?" He asked, as if I was a new kid or something.

"All two years, this is my third one." I said, though he looked unconvinced.

"I'm in your chemistry class!" I exclaimed.

He thought for a second, before exclaiming, "oh yeah!" He had the cutest dreamy face. Did I just say cute??

I guess I was that oblivious. A few moments past and glanced at him to find his eyes staring intently into mine, as if they were some jewel. He had beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with lights, thick envious eyebrows, tan skin, dark tousled hair, black as midnight, and a muscular build.

At that moment, I could feel my heartbeat speeding and my face heating up as his gaze intensified, and I didn't know what to do so I just smiled and looked away.

"You know, most of my friends would have laughed, or told me to hurry up if I dropped my papers, but you didn't and you're not even really my friend. That says a lot about you." He explained, as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"I guess so." I murmured. He squinted his eyes at me for a second before he checked the time on his watch.

"Please give me your name, I'll make it up to you." He said, his eyes holding a somewhat mischievous grin.

I sighed before answering, "it's Richard."

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