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I entered the room, quickly finding my seat. I put my booksack down and opened it, pulling out my chemistry binder. I took a deep breath. I knew that four seats away from me was Denver, and it took everything not to look at him. Finally, the teacher got to the chemistry partner part.

"So now, I want everyone to first choose a partner, and then choose one of the stations to go to." She explained.

We had labs in the back of our class, enough for everyone to have one and still have some left over.

Everyone stood, chatter erupting as I looked around. Victor was in the class, and so was Aidan, but then there was Denver. I waved a hand through my hair. My eyes found Victor, who was walking to a lab with Aidan, talking excitedly.

Everyone else was pairing up. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find Denver, his eyes hopeful.

"You wanna be my lab partner?" He asked.

"Why not?" I stated and we walked over to a lab. I picked up the piece of paper sitting in the middle of the table. We were making snow.

There was a bottle that held artificial snow, all we had to do was add water and describe how it looks. And then answer a bunch of questions. Then add salt and watch it evaporate into water. We were finished before most groups.

"So...I remember your name. Richard." Denver stated.

I laughed and smiled.

"Tell me about you." Denver said, putting a hand around his chin.

"Why are you so interested in me?" I asked, truly curious.

"You intrigue me." He said, squinting his eyes at me.

I smiled. I realized I smiled a lot when he was around.

"Well I'm just a normal guy in a normal city, with a normal family, and a normal life." I stated dully.

"Uggh, you use 'normal' too much." He said.

I laughed.

"I'm sure there's more to you than just normal." He said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"We'll find out." I said.

"I wonder how long it'll take for me to break your walls down." He said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"How long is it gonna take to find the real you?" He asked.

"This is the real me." I knew that was a lie. And he did too.

"We'll see." He said. The bell rung, and I went to my next class, but I was still left on the previous one. Where was the real me?

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