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He smiled and nodded. Just then, I heard the door click and I knew the door had just unlocked for students to come inside. He noticed it too, and stood along with me.

"It was nice to talk to you." I said.

"You too." He said smiling.

He turned and walked down the steps, saying, "See ya."

He walked off to his group of jock friends across the lawn. I narrowed my eyes before turning and walking in the school.

I walked into the bathroom. No one ever came in here this early. I put my stuff under the sink and looked into the mirror.

I saw dark brown hair in a wavy Quiff style, silver eyes, golden skin, arched eyebrows, and a muscular build. I wore a black t-shirt with a green Nike symbol on the chest, black joggers and black and white high tops.

I got a text message, and opened my phone to find  it was from David. David was the leader of Student Council, that I was on. I was Secretary, and they were having a meeting today, but they were gonna have to go without me today. Victor wanted to meet me in the library today. He said he had something important to tell me. 

I grabbed my backpack from under the sink and started towards the library. Our school was round shaped and divided into halls, with the library being right in the middle. There are 6 halls, the first 6 letters of the alphabet. There was also a back building that was used for any types of after school practices. I came out of B hall and went into the library from the side door. I walked in to find Victor deep into a book.

I admired him for a second, how he seemed to have this forever calm aura. Nothing ever fazed the guy. I wondered how he does it.

He had deep dark brown hair, his tips dip dyed orange, making them look super cool, green hazel eyes that seemed to burn with a fire inside, beautiful pale skin, that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, and a muscular build. I walked over to him and put my stuff down, sitting in the chair across from him.

"Hi!" I said with a smile.

"Hey." He said.

" wanted to tell me something?" I asked.

He nodded, and shut his book, tossing it to the floor next to his stuff.

"I have something to tell you that I should have told you a long time ago, but I'm telling you now." He said.

He glanced down at the floor smiling, no blushing. Was he blushing??

My eyes scanned the library and I stopped at the window, where there stood Denver waving. I smiled and looked back to Victor.

"So...any comments?" He asked, clasping his hands together.

"What?" I asked, flittering my eyes across the room and then back to him.

"Oh, you didn't hear me." He said, glancing back at the floor again.

"I said that I... I li-" the bell rung, cutting him off.

I reached for my booksack, I asked, "You what?"

"Nothing. It's fine, I'll tell you later." He said with a bright smile. I nodded and watched him as he went out into the door leading to A hall. His smile had faded. I guess what he needed to tell me was really special. Damn it I should have listened.

I started towards my Homeroom, in E hall.

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