Chaper 17 The party

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Kat's (P.OV)

"Sally are you sure you like this one?" I held up a pink dress covered in glitter.She nodded and jumped up and down."YEAH,It's like my little pony,I can be As sparkly as em'!" I sighed."Okay."

I looked through all the selections and found a beautiful black lace dress,And tried it on.I bought both the dresses and we walked out.

I walked down the road with Sally on my shoulders."Faster!" She yelled and slapped my head."Listen,Im not your pony." She patted my head."Yea you are,Onward!" I continued walking Untill we reached the woods.

Sally jumped off my shoulders and held my hand.We entered and I walked deeper.I started hearing voices in my head.He's coming,He's coming,He's coming. I looked down at Sally."Do you hear that?" She cocked her eye brow and narrowed her eyes."No,What is it?" I looked at the ground."O-Oh nothing."

We arrived at the house and I opened the door.A dog was sitting on the couch."Uh Sally,What the hell is that?" I stumbled back."SMILE DOGGIE!" She ran to him and through her arms around the dogs neck.The dog was a husky,He had red fur and a black Maine.He had a smile almost like Jeff's and it looked so,Human like.

"It's like a dog version of Jeff." I chuckled.Sally giggled.I approached the dog,Expecting to have my head bitten off.He sniffed my hand and licked it.I pet him and his tail started wagging."Aw,Good Smile!" He rolled in his side and I scratched his ears and stomach.

The door opened behind me Slendy steeped in with bags piling over him.I offered to help but he said he got it.Everyone else stepped in carrying more bags.They all went to set them down and Ben came up to me."Hey,Can I see your dress?" He smiled."Not Untill the party." He crossed his arms."It's not like a wedding 'ya know." I nodded."I know."

The party started at 10:30pm.Which was only in one hour.Time goes by too fast by shopping.Sally wanted me to go up to her room to get my makeup done and get ready.So of course I agreed.I walked up the stairs and grabbed my dress,Went into the bathroom,Put on the dress and entered Sally's room.

Her jaw dropped."YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE!" I smiled."Now come over here so I can do your makeup and straighten your hair." I walked over too her and sat on the floor."Dont burn me please." She crossed her arms."Trust me I'm a pro." She said and flipped her hair dramatically.

She straightened my hair actually really well.She did my makeup and put eye liner on carefully.When she was finished she stepped back and admired her work."PERFECTION!" She smiled.She held up a mirror and I looked at myself,My red hair was in straight lines and my eyes and makeup were Beautiful.

"S-Sally it's very good!" She hugged me and I hugged back.the party was starting in 5 minutes so we we went downstairs.Everyone turned to me."DAAAAMN" Ben,Jeff,Jack,Masky and hoodie whispered.I smirked."Dont even."

The whole living room was set up in a party style with black and white streamers.Ben approached me."You look good." He grinned in a Pervy way."Ben don't push it." I grinned.He grinned again."We have guests coming!" I cocked an eyebrow."Guests,More pastas?" Ben nodded."We wanted to make it Big,It is your night." He pulled me in for a kiss.After about 5 minutes of tongue wars and Sally covering her face and screaming the door bell rang.

Slendy answered it and everyone entered,Slendy introduced me.He pointed to a guy who looked like Ash from pokemon."This is lost silver." Lost Silver grinned.He couldn't wave he had no arms and his eyes were running blood like mine and Bens."This is Laughing Jack and Laughing Jill." He pointed to two clowns."And this is my brother Trenderman,The others couldn't make it." I looked up and saw a creature that looked like Slendy just dressed up.He waved.And I waved back.

By this rate I was drunk.So was Ben and everyone except for trendy and Slendy.(Yup I stared calling him trendy eheh) laughing Jill was upstairs with sally playing dolls.Ben smirked and gave me a Pervy smile."Whats so funny?" I smiled.He held out a hand."Follow me." I did and we went his room.

~~~~~~~~~~~LEMON SCENE....if you don't wanna read this I understand so skip this,Your not missing much,You were warned.~~~~~~~SERIOUSLY YOU HAVE BEEN!

He grinned and closed the door."W-What?" I smiled.He tackled me and started kissing my neck and causes me to Moan a bit.He started to take of my shirt and I was too drunk to care.He lifted off my shirt and bra.He took off his own shirt and undid my pants.

He undid his as well and kissed me all over.He positioned him self near me."A-Are you okay with this?" He asked.I nodded a bit."Well,It'd be Awkward to stop now." I chuckled.He entered me and I moaned.He kept a hand on my waist.

When we were finished I fell asleep next to him dressed In his shirt.Best party ever.

Note...I really didnt wanna write that scene lol I had requests to make a scene like this and I didn't wanna make it too realistic so If you read this and hated it,Your the one who read it :33 thanks for reading!~♡ Neon

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