Chapter 1

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A light breeze shivered the branches hazing the air with drifting sweetness as Chloe walked down the little dirt track that led to her aunts house.

Chloe was twelve years old with long black hair that always hung in tatters down to her waist. Her parents had sent her to stay with her aunt while they went on holidays, they never brought her on holidays or no place nice. In fact sometimes Chloe thought that they didn't care for her at all. She would look at other children playing with their parents with envy.

She finally reached her aunts house at the top of Spruce hill and knocked on the door. It was a small house with a little green door with a silver nob and had a thatched roof with ivy growing up the sides.

Just then the door opened and her aunts little face peered round and smiled. "Hello Chloe" she said giving her a hug and squeezing the living daylights from her. "Come in, come in and I'll give you some food" she said as she bustled around her kitchen. "Thank you" Chloe replied smiling. The house was larger inside then it appeared out and a little fireplace sat at the far end of the kitchen. It was all lovely but little did she know it was all going to change.

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