Ch.1: Bullied

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Beep Beep!
My stupid alarm rings waking me up. Great another day to get bullied. Note the sarcasm. I get dressed into this out fit and do my morning routine.

 I get dressed into this out fit and do my morning routine

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Once I'm ready I walk to school. The school is about 10 minutes away from my house. I'll get to school by 7:50 and school starts at 8:20. Why am I always early? Because my dad wakes up at 8 and I don't want to be there when he is awake.
10 mins later
I quickly go to my locker and neatly put my stuff inside. Then I see them coming. I hurry up and throw the rest in. Oh gosh they saw me! I start running to my home room class. 8:01. I can hear footsteps running behind me. Next thing I know I'm on the floor.
"Hah! Clutz! Makes it easier for us!" A bully, Justin, says.
"So what should we do today? Kick her? Punch her? What!?" His girlfriend, Julie, says.
"What have I ever done to you guys!? Leave me alone!" I say starting to get up. As I start getting up Julie pushes me back down.
"You're not going any where!" Julie yells slapping me across my face.
"Oh really?" I slap her and kick Justin where the sun doesn't shine. I get up and run to class. 8:17. I get into Mrs.Young's class and sit in the front. Luckily I only have 1 class with Justin and Julie. I'm always in the front so that they can't do anything without the teacher seeing. Justin and Julie walk in and start eyeing me. Maybe I shouldn't of done that! That was the first time I ever did anything back to them. What good could possibly happen? Nothing. Nothing at all.

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