Ch.19: Jacob!!

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Jacob and I haven't hung out with just us in a while, so that's what we're doing today until Mario gets here. We're at the mall and as soon as we walk in a whole bunch of girls start surrounding Jacob and pushing me out of the way. I push my way through the girls and get to Jacob. 

"I guess I'll just wait over there." I say giving him a quick side hug.

I walk over to a bench inside the mall and watch Jacob be surrounded by the girls. I took my phone out and snap chatted it. I put it on my story and Mark texts me.

Mark: Hey Lilly

Lilly: Wassup Mark?

Mark: Whacha doin' today?

Lilly: Hangin' with Jacob, then picking up Mario.

Mark: Oh Ok. Have fun! See ya tomorrow?

Lilly: For sure! Maybe you can come when Mario gets here? I want him to meet you and Weston!

Mark: Sure I'll tell him rn. Bye! Love ya!

Lilly: Bye love you too

I look up from my phone and see Jacob walk up to me. 

"Come on!" He says pulling me up.

"Wow only 10 minutes! Usually it's like half an hour." I say smiling at him.

He laughs and puts an arm around my shoulder. Man I love this kid! He's like a brother to me. I can't wait to see my real brother. We walk around the mall and shop a little. As soon as we turn a corner I see Starbucks.

"Starbucks?" Jacob asks smiling at me.

"Yess!!" I say happily.

We walk over to Starbucks and Jacob orders for us. I sit at a table and go on my phone. I got a text from Weston 2 minutes ago so I should answer him now.

Wes10: Lilly!!!!!!

Lilly: Weston!!!

Wes10: Mark and I are coming later... what time?

Lilly: Uhhh... 5

Wes10: Ok 

Lilly: Gotta go. Bye Wes10 love ya!

Wes10: Love ya too Lilly

Jacob comes back with our drinks and sits down at the table. He hands me my drink and we start talking.

"You happy to see Mario?" He asks smiling.

"Duhh! I haven't seen him in forever! I just don't know how to tell him about our mom.." I said my expression changing from happy to sad.

"I'll be there to help you." Jacob says as we finish our drinks.

We get up and hug. We realse the hug and throw our trash away. Jacob walks out the door and I follow behind him. I stop dead in my tracks. I wait for him to get about 5 feet away and I jump on his back.

"Wow. Okay!" He says rolling his eyes laughing.

"You know you love me!" I say laughing.

"I sure do Lils." He says laughing.

Love Triangle (W.K & M.T) ✅ Where stories live. Discover now