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It has been a week and still no sign of Weston. 

I spend the days with Mark happily and as soon as he leaves Weston pops into my head and I cry myself to sleep. I haven't been telling anyone how I feel about this and I don't want to hold it in. I grab my diary and crawl out of the window. I go to the top of the roof and sit down. That's where I've been going whenever I needed to be away from everyone. I take my diary and pen out and start writing.

It has been a week and still no sign of him! I have 2 brothers and a boyfriend... I need Weston as my bestfriend. I need him as my get away. If I'm mad or sad I want to go to him. The weird thing is that every time I get sad about Weston, I want to talk to Weston and ask him what to do. But I can't because he left! If he actually cared about me would he have left? Or would he have stayed? Maybe he'll come back and we'll be happy again. All I know is that if Weston comes back.. I'll be happy again. 

I close the diary and hide it under a loose roof piece. I go back inside to see Jacob looking for me. 

"You were on the roof?" He asks.


"Well it's getting pretty late. I'm going to sleep." Jacob says.

"I will too." 

I crawl in by him and think about Weston. I'm not gonna cry tonight.

Love Triangle (W.K & M.T) ✅ Where stories live. Discover now