Ch.9: Weston!

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"So why were you running away crying?" He asks.
"This kid. Mark's friend named Blake." I say.
"Blake Gray? Mark Thomas? Dude you know a lot of famous people! Uhh including me." He says smiling.
"Wow so cool. Can you leave me alone?" I ask.
"Nope!" He says while we sit down by each other.
We just sit there and talk about his life. He asks me what happened with Blake and I explain to him.
"Let's go kill em'." Weston says standing up, and holding his hand out to help me up. I get up and we go to Mark's house. When we get there Mark runs to me from behind.
"I've been looking for you everywhere! Dang it Lilly! When you left I got your diary and kicked Blake out!" Mark says hugging me. I hug him back.
"Where is everyone else?" I ask.
"Looking for you." He says.
He gets his phone out and calls them, and tells them I'm okay and to come back.
After he hands up he looks at Weston.
"Weston Koury?" Mark says surprised.
"That's me! Never thought we would meet. The amazing 'Duhitzmark'. " Weston says.
After that everyone else comes back. We all head inside and Mark gives me my diary and says he didn't read it. I thank him and we all go upstairs.
"Are you okay?" Jacob asks hugging me.
"Yeah thanks." I say.
"If you ever need anything just remember I'm here for you." He says smiling and hugging me.
"Can I live with you?" I ask awkwardly.
"Wait what?" He asks shocked.
I take him into another room and give him my diary. I show him the pages about my mom, my dad beating her, my dad killing her, my dad beating me, and my newest entries.
"Stay with me as long as you want." He says handing me the diary.
"Thanks. Can you not tell Mark or Weston about the diary?" I ask.
"I promise I won't." He says.

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