Pursuit of Happiness

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(AN: Set in a world where love is prohibited and partying is a federal offense and therefore results to jailing of the individual.)

Songs for the chapter:

ooouuu - young m.a

pursuit of happiness - kid cudi // MGMT // ratatat

wasted on you - louis futon // rozes

WARNING: slight usage of drugs and alcohol.

ANOTHER WARNING: not proofread, my apologies.



It was another day in Middlesbrough high and Karlie was staring at the chalkboard listening to a lecture on how to solve a certain algebraic expression. The green-eyed girl was bored out of her mind. She already knows how to solve the expression and she can solve it in only a blink of an eye; so it was pointless of her to listen. Instead, Karlie looked out of the window and pondered over what existed beyond those walls that surround the city. Beyond the city lies the people who suffer from a swirl of different emotions; and epic wildness; people who cannot be tamed, and whom are considered social failures, so much different from people who live inside the safe perimeter.

Adelaide - a city where an act of love (or love in general) is prohibited and where fun and entertainment only exist in the form of television shows and films provided and surveyed by the government and the parliament. The internet still exists but they have removed malicious content and social sites such as instagram, tumblr and snapchat as the government believes that a human cannot be defined by his/her social status. It is not equal. Equality is what runs the city; anything leading to inequality is destroyed, such as clothes. Therefore, clothes and suits are provided in basic colours, as white and grey so everyone is the same. Music has also been banned; only stale and static noises remain. Men aged 20 or older are paired with women of the same age by force by the government; every citizen is injected a serum. This serum erases the individual's feelings, and/or desire for any physical relationship between the two genders. The serum however is only injected when the individual is old enough, in that case, 19. Anyone who resists the serum is punished through only one way; and that is death. A child is then assigned to each married couple by random when the couple reaches the age of 25.

Everyone is the same, and no one is ever different.

What a dull, dull world.

However, there are people who cannot be cured as well. People who are not cured are usually killed and murdered brutally; but, some escape. These people are known as the idiosyns*. They are people who roam the globe spreading love and good vibes. They are free to love and free to listen or even generate music of any kind. They are people who cannot be tamed and who live and love recklessly. They live a hard life; constantly thieving for food from stores nearby and living a nomadic life, constantly moving in case they get discovered by the government and are taken in and then executed with no mercy.

What a sad, yet beautiful life to live.


Karlie was a beautiful young lady who had bright green eyes and perfectly sculpted cheekbones, along with hard-rock abs and is a slim figure. She has the legs of a giraffe, and has the capability to become a model and attract or seduce any person who takes her on - however, she can't do that now; since both modelling and flirting are banned. So she hides herself, wearing a hoodie everyday and a hat to hide her beauty, her infectious smile and her hypnotising stare, shielding herself from interacting to the outside world; leaving her with no friends or no social life at all.

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