Chapter 4

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"What do we do?" Percy breathed. He was being as quiet as possible so as not to be detected. He shrunk against the wall and stared at Minho. "Should I get out Riptide?" He asked, pulling the pen out of his pocket.
"No, that'll give us away." Minho answered. "Stay close behind me, and follow my leave." Minho creeped backwards, towards Percy and Percy did the same, slowly inching away from the Griever. They were almost far enough away from it when a loud commotion sounded. The Griever had spotted them. "Run!" Minho shouted, pushing Percy along. He ran as fast as could , closely followed by Minho. "The maze will close soon!" Minho said between ragged breathes, "We don't have enough time to lose it!"
"You go on ahead." Percy said. His face was set in determination. "I'll take care of the Griever."
"You? But you're just a greenie! You've never faced a Griever before!" Minho exclaimed.
"I have a feeling I've fought worse." Percy responded. "Now go! I'll catch up." As Minho kept on running, Percy turned and faced the Griever. "It's just you and me, buddy, and I don't feel like dying today, so you're outta luck." And with that, he unsheathed Riptide and charged at the Griever.
The Griever at first seemed visibly startled by this turn of events. No one had been stupid enough to stay near it once spotted, let alone charge straight at him. This gave Percy a slight advantage, allowing him to get several good whacks at the Griever before it starting attacking him back. Percy slashed off it's arm, expecting to see blood. Instead, he saw cables. At that moment, Percy realized this was not an monster. It was a machine.
'This is going to be harder than I thought.' Percy slowly backed towards the exit to the maze. 'I'll just get closer to the exit of the maze, then make a run for it.' Percy turned to see how close he was, and that's when disaster struck. The Griever charged him and stabbed him right on his back. On the small of his back. He passed out, but he could swear he could hear someone calling his name,
"Percy!" they called. Then he hit the ground and saw nothing but black.

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