chapter one.

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unknown: hello.
you: who is this?
unknown: no matter. what's your name?
you: i'd tell you if you told me yours
unknown: your name will remain as unknown then.
you: so will yours.
you: how did you get this number?
unknown: no matter.
you: is that your only response to questions?
unknown: ...
unknown: no matter. anyway, i'll have to assume your name. john?
you: ... i god hope that was just a guess...
unknown: could have been. you wouldn't know though.
you: you're kinda... not scary... weird but not in the bad way.
unknown: i know. so, john, what's the last name?
you: and i would tell you that because?
unknown: i'll guess again then.
you: no please don't it's weird since you get it right
unknown: so it's?
you: Lauren's. my name is john Lauren's.
unknown: john... john Lauren's?
you: no. autocorrect. it's john laurens.
unknown: john laurens. i like it. be right back changing your name.
you: irl?
unknown: yeah, im changing it to thomas jefferson. no. of course not. on my phone.
you: sorry jesus
you: you're not gonna go for long though right?
you: c'mon man please
you: or woman you could be a woman
you: or any other gender sorry i shouldnt assume genders
you: please still be on
you: if you dont come back i will probably cry
you: idk why though
you: i just will so dont leave
unknown: i was changing your name on my phone, chill.
unknown: why would you want me to stay anyway, john?
you: mainly because i have two friends that are probably on date night considering it's saturday so they won't be on until late afternoon tomorrow
unknown: so?
you: basically i want to be able to talk to someone when my two friends are netflix and chilling
unknown: kinky.
you: what the hell
unknown: what?
you: nothing
unknown: okay. so, john laurens, tell me a few things about yourself.
you: no, i think you should tell me a few things about yourself
you: exaggeration on the yous please
unknown: im only telling you my name and age.
you: k
unknown: my name is a.h. or alex and i'm nineteen.
you: d'ya go to college?
unknown: yes.
you: which one?
unknown: i go to DO YOU PLAY ME FOR A FOOL
you: sorry
you: wait you've left again
you: no please stay
you: im just gonna sit here and bathe in my tears
you: whilst my friends get it on
you: and you do whatever the hell youre doing
unknown: are you actually trying to get me to say kinky again?
you: uhh..
you: no
unknown: i mean i have your phone number, i could call you and say it.
you: you could
you: wait i mean no
unknown: you sure?
you: yep
you: kinda
unknown: once in a lifetime opportunity has flew away.
you: goodbye once in a lifetime opportunity
unknown: wtf
you: what?
unknown: that made me smile.
you: so?
unknown: i can't remember the last time i've smiled.
you: oh
you: wait brb i forgot to change your contact name

you: back
alex: hello again.
you: hey hey
alex: lemme guess. my name is just alex?
you: uhh... no
totally not alex: you sure?
you: yes
totally not alex: okay then. tell me about yourself.
you: no
totally not alex: stubborn. i like it.
you: wait what
totally not alex: nothing. just slide on with the convo.
you: convo
totally not alex: what?
you: nothing it just doesn't seem like you'd say convo
totally not alex: kinky convo
totally not alex: your favourite words.
you: or it could be convo kinks you never know
totally not alex: okay stop
you: what
totally not alex: im with my parents. stop making me smile.
you: but i cant help it
totally not alex: of course you can't.
you: no i seriously can't
totally not alex: that's the thing about texting. you can't tell if it's sarcasm or despair.
totally not alex: it was despair by the way.
you: aww
totally not alex: what?
you: i just imagined you being sad
you: what i think you look like obviously
totally not alex: hope your friends are having a good time.
totally not alex: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you: No
totally not alex: capitalisation.
you: i meant to put it in all caps but i didn't double click :(
totally not alex: retry that.
you: NO
totally not alex: okay, geez. you could've just said you didn't want to.
you: wait no i
you: screw you
totally not alex: in what way?
you: EW
totally not alex: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you: ALEX NO
totally not alex: i can only assume we're friends now?
you: yep
totally not alex: gtg for therapy will be back
you: wait therapy?

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