chapter nine.

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heheheheh. heheeheheheh. read on with caution. hehehhehehh.


the two walked down the road, which neither of the two had ever seen any cars come down. in fact, the two had never seen any cars at the top or bottom of the road either, so they just crossed all the time. they kept exchanging glances, which both meant the same thing: i love you more than myself.

at the bottom of the road, surprise, no cars. they crossed and were fine. they turned left, walking at least a quarter of a kilometre before reaching a milkshake shop, which alex had heard was an ideal date location.

the two stepped inside.

"hey, john," alex whispered. "i love you."

"i love you too, alex."

"and i won't leave, you know that?"

"i know, alex."

"okay, good."

the two shuffled along as the queue shrunk. at last they were at the front of the excessive line of families, straight relationships and friends looking to get a nice drink.

the two ordered relatively quickly. john chose oreo and alex just went with a classic chocolate. when alex asked for his, a small laugh escaped john's lips and alex regretted looking. he saw his date's lips curve and thought damn, i could kiss those. he didn't though.

the two moved to sit at a two-seat table to wait for their drinks and when asked if they both want cream, in unison, they responded yes. john was talking about something that must've been interesting, but alex wasn't paying attention to any of that. he was paying attention to john. the way his lips moved, the way the freckles on his cheeks went up and down along with his mouth, the way his eyes glistened and sparkled. then their names were called.

the couple stood and walked over to the counter. alex gave the total amount it had costed and the two walked out, sipping their milkshakes through the straws. they began to walk to a local park, it was close to the house, except you had to head up instead of down. obviously, alex attempted some conversation which led to an amusing, joke-riddled convo. convo.

john stopped on the curb and then...

a scream. a familiar one.

john heard the swerving of tires. his ears rung. he opened his eyes, seeing a massive collision on the road. cars had come and alex didn't know.

john couldn't make out wether or not alex was on the other side but he prayed he was. he prayed alexander hamilton, the boy he fell in love with over a text conversation, was alive. he prayed he wasn't hit by the truck.

john could barely make out the cars on the road. his breathing increased and he could hear the distant noises coming from pedestrians.

"oh my god.."
"is he...?"
"did he...?"
"this is..."

john looked around, seeing people pulling out their phones and dialling 911. john didn't. he seemed to be frozen with shock and fear that he couldn't full function or operate.

the driver of the truck got out, hopping down off of the metal step. he covered his mouth and ran his hand through his beard. john could feel the tears coming out of his eyes, but didn't dare stop them.

he heard sirens next. he heard more conversation and chatter among citizens. john couldn't believe it. the man he loved, the only at that, wasn't across the road. his vision regained clarity and the ringing in his ears stopped, but he didn't want it to. it was the first time he didn't want to see or hear.


sorry about the length. i know it's short. that's all i'm apologising for byeee

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