chapter eight.

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saturday came relatively fast and alex practically popped out of bed like a mole in whack-a-mole. he didn't bother to get rid of the blurriness he had received from the waters in his eyes and subsequently ended up smacking against a wall, but nonetheless he was fine.

he couldn't contain his joy. he couldn't remember the last time he smiled this much. he couldn't let this slip away. he wasn't going to. he grinned as he opened his oak closet, which had three t-shirts hanging up, empty coat hangers taking up the rest of the space of the rack and then at least ten shirts at the bottom.

in the end, he grabbed a flannel, pair of black jeans and black vans. he threw them on, rushed into his bathroom, combed his hair and brushed his teeth the washed his face. he looked at himself in the mirror, rubbing his white teeth with a dry finger and then putting his hair up. he smiled.

he dashed into the kitchen and made himself a coffee so he could stay alive for the rest of the day. he drank half before pouring it down the drain. he looked at his clock hung on the wall. only ten o'clock in the morning.

continuing his adventure, he ran down the street, putting on his coat as he did so. his feet got tangled in each other numerous times like your earplugs, but he was fine nonetheless. a grin was still plastered upon his face and it wasn't leaving anytime soon.

he ran into the flower shop, trying to hide his smile with a failed attempt of thinking sad, but alas to no avail. he stood in front of the counter where a young female stood, looking into alex's eyes.

"my name is elizabeth schuyler, how may i help you today?" she asked.


"my sister." she said as a reply, giving alex the obvious look that said 'i didn't know you were that stupid'.

"hi.. uhh... eliza. i'm looking to get a bunch of roses. a dozen at most," he said, rushing to get all of his words out.

"alright." she turned behind her and grabbed a bouquet of roses. "who're they for, sir? a girl?"

"uhh..." alex scratched the back of his neck. "not exactly."

"i understand," she said, nodding slightly. "that'll be ten ninety-nine please."

alex handed her a ten dollar bill and a dollar bill, took the flowers then races out back to the apartment block. he ran up the stairs, running past the broken elevator.

standing in front of john's door, he smelt his breath, ran his fingers through his hair, cleared his throat and stood like a soldier. he knocked on the door, resisting to let out a massive grin.

the door opened and a full-clothed john laurens opened it. seeing alex's face, his own lit up like a motion-activated lightbulb. he nervously laughed a little, running a hand through his hair. "i still need to brush my hair." does he? alex asked himself. he looked fine - adorable. then again, to alex, john always looked adorable. "you can come in if you want."

john stepped out of the way of the door and alex entered, looking around the room again. this time he noticed that even the ceiling had posters and sketches on it, but not that one wall. "i uhh... got you these." alex extended his arm as an obvious gesture to the roses. john thrusted around, noticing the flowers. at first he was surprised, then he blushed and then he smiled. he took the flowers and put it in a jug filled with water. by now it was one o'clock.

"you look... nice..." john said, blatantly embarrassed and confused of what to say. he turned around to face alex, but was greeted by alex's face being inches away from his, their lips practically brushing against one another's.

then they kissed.

it didn't last long, but it felt like hours. it lasted ten seconds at most, before john pulled away for breath. alex stuttered an explanation, "i-i just k-kinda did t-that. h-huh?" his face was more flushed than john's.

john's blush died down and he smiled with glee. "yes. yes you did. and i thoroughly enjoyed it," john stated, basically saying he wouldn't mind another.

"my dearest, john. shall we go then?" alex asked, smiling and shuffling a little more away from john's face. "comma after dearest." he added quickly, whispering.

john chuckled a little, "yes. we shall."

and just like that they left.

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