New Book!!

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Yay! So about time, I have been planning to write a couple new books for a while now. Those who know me may know this, but I'm a very lazy bean.

Since I have a real motivation to write this, there is more possibility that I'll actually write and update. Now what is my motivation for getting off my lazy ass and writing? Three reasons actually.

1. My amazing readers, all of you who read my book "Sired" have gotten me to 1K reads. That may not seem like a lot to others, or maybe it is, but I'm very happy about it. Call me a dork if you must. I just hope all you who read it enjoy it.

2. Winter break is coming up, and since this little bean has no life, I'll be using my free time to write you all this. But keep in mind it is a holiday, I do have a family. And also lots of siblings who crave attention. Also, I need my world and lover to talk to at least 24/7.

3. I was given this plot by my world, and if you don't know who that is, shame on you. Haha, just kidding ya. I was given this plot by -VoidRoccoCoco which I will often refer to as my world. Keep that in mind.

She has so kindly agreed to letting me switch it from TVD to The Originals. Which I'm very happy about, I like the beginning of the Originals much better. Way too much drama in tvd if you ask me.

(I just realized I had two TO books now. Oops.)

Do not fret, I have a TVD book on its way.

Once again, this amazing plot was given to me by -VoidRoccoCoco so, you should go check out her plot shop. I hope I do not dissapoint.

Did I mention she also made me this amazing ass cover? Damn girl has skills. My babe also has an amazing cover shop so yeah.



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