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Louise Salvatore is the sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore, if it wasn't obvious enough. Everything changed the night she died, but what made it even more weird was she came back to life.

Want to know the trick?

Two words, vampire blood.

When Louise died that night in 1864 she had the blood of the evil manipulated bitch which is Kathrine Pierce. Louise watched helplessly as both of her brothers fell for this beautiful doppelganger's charm. And as they both fell in love, no one could've predicted it would end on blood shed. Or maybe someone could.

The night Kathrine Peirce was captured and meant to burn in the church the rest of the Salvatore family died. After Stefan killed his father, they all set off to begin their vampire life which would ultimately have a fair share of blood shed, but let's skip the gruesome details.

Over a hundred years later, the three siblings are still alive. They're back in their home town, and it seems like history is repeating itself. Another doppelganger is there, and as her brothers see no resemblance in personality, Louise does. But because her brothers care for this human she resentfully helps protects her.

When the real threat which is Niklaus Mikaelson shows up it gets a lot more complicated. Feelings between people are announced, the doppelganger turns vampire, hybrids are running around everywhere, and Silas is released.

Through all of it all, Louise finds herself feeling something for the enemy. Does he feel the same?

She knows the risks of loving him, but then again, you can't really choose what you feel.

It was tough to see her siblings fall for someone who looked exactly like the girl who ruined their lives. Louise was finally tired of the drama with the love triangle and decided it was time to leave her siblings.

When she hears her best friend, Rebekah Mikaelson is leaving Mystic Falls she tags along. Only knowing about visiting Elijah.

She has no idea what awaits for her, including the magical miracle baby which the wolf Hayley now carries. The two never got along but imagine how mad Louise is going to be when she finds out the man she felt something for is having a baby with someone else, much less someone she despises.

Yuss! Get pumped, this is the description for this book. It is starting from where Rebekah appears in the Originals but she'll have a guest.

Everything is kinda Bleh, but I wanted to get it all in.

Anyone, hope I didn't disappoint you my world. Ily. <3.
Thank you so much for giving this to me and taking this risk, for trusting me.


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