Demons » 01

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Rebekah's car pulled into the drive of the plantation house. The passenger seat was occupied by her best friend, Louise Salvatore. Both girls exit the car and make their way to the grand home. While Rebekah took to leaving a voicemail threatening to kick in his door, Louise just looked around, admiring her surroundings.

She knew how dramatic her best friend could be and didn't pay it much mind. Over 150 years living with her brothers she expected nothing less. Infact, she'd probably be more intrigued if it was the opposite and Rebekah was quiet. Nearly nothing has Rebekah Mikaelson quiet.

Rebekah finished with the threat to her older brother and entered the house. The two were met by a tan brunette girl standing on the steps, a fire poker in her hand. Alarmed, Hayley asked, "who the hell are you?"

Rebekah, who hadn't met the girl yet sighed in relief. "Oh, you must be the maid. My bags are in the car, get them, will you?" The original ordered in a bored and passive tone, oblivious to her shocked friend.

The brunette werewolf rolled her eyes but set the metal rod aside, assuming they were here for a reason. "Hello, not the maid." She had replied, annoyed slightly at this blonde she hadn't even met.

A look of realization crossed her face but it was gone and her face went back to nearly emotional. "Right, your that werewolf girl my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Hayley, isn't it?" As Rebekah clarifies everything aloud, as Louise was staring at her in shock. The rudeness isn't what caught her attention, it was the fact Rebekah knew all of this and didn't fill her in. She hadn't even entirely processed the baby part yet. 

A scowl was on her werewolf's face by the end of Rebekah's rant as she replied, "you have your brothers manners."

Louise had responded without even having to think about it, as Rebekah took an intimidating step forward. "And has his temper to, so watch it." Rebekah rolled her eyes at Louise's comment but didn't say anything as she knew how true it was.

Louise Salvatore knew more about the Mikaelsons than thought. Many doubted her, considering she hadn't known them that long. She was just a very observing person.

"Where's Lijah?" Louise asked, remembering the real reason she thought they came there. Right now she was a bit conflicted though, seeing as it seemed Rebekah knew more than she let on.

Hayley shrugged and answered in a bored tone, "beats me, he's long gone." While this caught Rebekah's attention, Louise rolled her eyes at how dramatic the brunette was being.

Rebekah furrows her perfect eyebrows, "what do you mean 'long gone'?" She asked and her brunette friend nodded along, wondering the same thing.

The werewolf sighed, "well, one minutes he was here making epic promises about protecting me in this predicament that a bottle of scotch and some bad decisions got me into-he was all poetic about how we were family-and then Klaus told me he bailed. Guess that's what I get for trusting a vampire." As she finished she shot Louise a dirty look, seeing as she was a vampire, one she didn't like, at all. Louise didn't even care what she thought, as she shot a glare right back. Rebekah seemed a bit pissed as she replied sassily.

"Elijah is not just any vampire and he doesn't break promises. Which means Niklaus has done dastardly and Klaus-like." She informs the werewolf before shouting, "Klaus! Get your ass out here and tell me what you've done with our brother you narcissistic, back stabbing, wanker!"

At the sound of his sisters shouting, Niklaus Mikaelson pulled open a pair of double doors. Louise let out a barely audible gasp at the sight of him, seeing as she had thought she'd never see him again. His eyes found hers and a far away look filled his blue orbs before he snapped out of his trance.

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