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*normani added camila, dinah, lauren, ally, perrie, jesy, jade and leigh*

Normani: *sent a video*

Normani: ok guys ill already snapchat

All the girls: what the fuck?

Momj: why are you slapping your face?

Normani: its snapchat it how it works you slap your face then send and chat.. you know snapchat thing duh?

LP: we know snapchat and thats not how it works

Greeneyes: um where do you get that information?

Normani: dinah said it to me that ill slap my face then send it and chat thats how snapchat works right?

Poopey and allyB: lmao 😂


Bananagurl: well your just have been fooled 😅

Normani: fuckk you dinah.. ughh

DJgangster: im so sorry im truly sorry my friend hahahba 😂

Normani: you better be..

Pez: ok stop it now ill teach you later normani.. if jadey will let me

Poopey: ok pez i trust you 😊

AllyB: good to know that jerrie is back how about camren?

Greeneyes: were good and i love mila so much so i forgive her☺

Bananagurl: hows your love life jesy?

Momj: well me and jake still doing good..

Poopey: ally how's your love life?

AllyB: well I'm good he's good were good😊

Normani: no he's not good he said that your cute..

Pez: okay.. so whats the problem with that?

DJgangster: well ally ask her boyfriend if shes hot then he only answer that shes cute..

Poopey: haha lmao 😂

LP: you should talk to your boyfriend if your two are still good

AllyB: okay ill ask him... but do think im hot?😏

*camila left the group*

*Dinah left the group*

*Normani left the group*

*Jesy left the group*

*Leigh left the group*

*Perrie left the group*

*jade left the group*

*Lauren left the group*

AllyB: oh fuck those friends..

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