Truth or Dare

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LP: ok guys were gonna play thruth or dare camila is first.. T or D?

Bananagurl: truth

Momj: how often do you sex in a day and with who

Bananagurl: like every 3 hours or something with my baby lauren of course

Pez: wow!.. ok allys turn T or D?

AllyB: i want truth cause i dont lie

Bananagurl: whos the prettiest among us all?👌💪

AllyB: its probably ally brooke im the diva🙋

DJgangster: i thought you said you dont lie why would you lie to us

AllyB: whatever beyonce its jesys turn truth or dare?

MomJ: i want dare 😉

LP: ok your gonna be our maid for the vacation got it 😉

MomJ: no im not gonna do it

Greeneyes: you said dare so do it jes

MomJ: fine whatever your turn jaguar.. truth or dare?

Greeneyes: truth and its jauregui

Normani: what did the last thing do you do for the last hour?

Greeneyes: having sex with camila..

Poopey: oh god...kay your turn baby truth or dare?

Pez: truth 😊

Greeneyes: will you marry jade? Soon

Pez: yes and i cant wait 😍

Poopey: oh babe i love you😙 normanis turn truth or dare mani?

Normani: uhm im gonna go with dare its more challenging💪

DJgangster:congratz jesy you have your partner i dare you normani to  be our maid  its so exciting right? 😆

Normani: ok ok dinah im gonna comeback with this just you wait...jades turn truth or dare?

Poopey: truth👍

Normani: what would the last thing you want to do if the world ends?

Poopey: being with my future wifey perrie 👰💕❤

Normani: its dinahs turn truth or dare?

DJgangster: umm i would say dare i will prove to you guys that im the toughest come give it to me😈

Greeneyes: you sure about that?

LP: I dont think that is a good idea dinah..

Normani: ok you said dare.. so you gonna take our dares me and jesy so your gonna be our maid for the whole vacation dont worry i will treat you good 😉

LP: told you..

DJgangster: fine... just dont be too aggressive

Normani: oh i will not👿

Guys who ever reading this
(if someone is reading this) ill be continuing this if i get 500 reads bye👋

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