Just Them

341 16 0

Lucy: hi love👋

Lauren: what vives?

Lucy: oh not in a mood ey?

Lauren: can you just spill, what do you want?

Lucy: im sorry ok? Its my fault i shouldn't agree with that dare

Lauren: im sorry too, so how are you?

Lucy: no, how are you?

Lauren: im not good camila broke up with me..

Lucy: im so sorry to hear that, can i help you?

Lauren: its ok, she refuses to talk about us...

Lucy: well at least i can try?

Lauren: ok..

*lauren added camila on the group*

Camila: why am i here?

Lauren: just let me talk please...

Camila: no!

*camila left the group*

*lauren added camila to the group*

*camila left the group*

Lauren: see what i mean?

Lucy: just one more time ill speak to her...

*lauren added camila to the group*

Lucy: wait! Before you left i just wanna say something please...

Camila: ok go on, just hurry i have to go somewhere

Lucy: ok, we know thats a mistake, and im sorry i shouldn't agree in the first place knowing that lauren has a girlfriend, shes just been pressured to do the dare, lauren has nothing to do with that its all my fault, i shouldn't invite her to the wedding of my cousin, im sorry dont hate lauren, its just me...

Camila: are you done?

Lucy: yeah, so please dont hate on lauren its all my fault...

Camila: ok, bye..

*camila left the group*

Lucy: im sorry laur, im truly sorry...

Lauren: its ok at least you try, so see you soon have a good day.. 


MGK: where are you?

Camila: im sorry i cant go right now, im not feeling well

MGK: ok, but do you want me to go on your flat?

Camila: no, its ok i can handle my self but thanks..


*camila added perrie, jade, normani, dinah, ally and shawn*

YawnM: uhmm what is this?

Bananagurl: i just want to talk about lauren..

Pez:oh hey guys..

YawnM: whos pez? 👨

DJgangster: its perrie edwards from little mix

YawnM: oh, hi im shawn so you wanna go out sometime? 😏

AllyB: bad idea shawn...

YawnM: what? so perrie wanna go out tonight? 😉

Poopey: who is this bitch YawnM?

YawnM: and who are you? Poopey? Thats a good name shit 😅

Normani: its the owner of perrie shawn..

Poopey: so your shawn huh? Stop flirting with my pez..👊

YawnM: why should i stop perrie is single right and who are you shit?

Poopey: im jade thirlwall and girlfriend of perrie edwards..

YawnM: oh, im sorry..wait is jerrie real? I thought it was just a joke..

Pez: yes jerrie is so fucking real..

Bananagurl: so guys i just wanna ask should i give lauren a chance?

Pez: yes


DJgangster: my camren feels are back 😭😭

AllyB: so you guys talk already?

Bananagurl: actually lucy talk to me and she said that lauren only do that because she just pressured..

Normani: you should get back together, you go get yow girl!

YawnM: so whats the purpose of me being here?

Bananagirl:thank you for the question, uhmm pick me up in my flat and drive me to laurens

YawnM: so thats it? Ok but dinah would you go out with me?

DJgangster: uhmmm

Normani: come on! Just say yes for godness sake

DJgangster: yyee

AllyB: just said yes already fuck!

YawnM: you know what just forget it have a good day girls..

DJgangster: wait..! I would love too, i would go out with you so yes, i will yes yes yes yes yes...yes shawn i will go out with you!

Bananagirl: shawn has already go to the car he said in the phone, sorry dinah..

AllyB: why would you play hard to get?

DJgangster: im just scared i think im falling for him..

YawnM: well good to know that you feel the same about me too 💕

DJgangster: CABELLO you fucker..

Remember this:

Lauren Jauregui tweeted:

Jauren Lauregui

In reply:

AllyBrooke Hernandez: Blly Arooke

DinahJane: Jinah Dane

NormaniKordei: Kormani Nordei

CamEElacabeYo: Camila.... oh shit :(

Bye see ya 😘

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