We Found Her

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*lauren added camila, normani, jesy, leigh, dinah, ally*

Greeneyes: so guys me and camila gonna pair..

AllyB: of course camren right

Bananagurl: shut up ally we need to find perrie so jesy and leigh gonna pair and you 3 stupid people will go together..

DJgangster: only the two are stupid plus you...😝

Momj: ok stop it guys we need to find perrie before she do something stupid..

LP: i agree with mom jes..

............a thousand years later.............

Normani: anything? Sign of perrie?

AllyB: im tired can we go home?

DJgangster: your not going home.. its just you have a small feet so you easily get tired

AllyB: whatever simba..

Momj: ok were in the third club

LP: gonna go bye..

Bananagurl: waittt...

Greeneyes: we find perrie..

Normani: where?

Greeneyes: at redclub

DJgangster ok were on our way..

Greeneyes:BTW shes so drunk..

MomJ: im just gonna call jade..

..... ..........................................................

*Jesy called jade*

Poopey: what now nelson?

Momj: where are you?

Poopey: uhmm with jed? Dating?

Momj: tell me where?

Poopey: im at nandos why do you have to know?

Momj: ok im gonna pick you up

Poopey: why do you need to pick me up? Im not gonna leave my date

Momj: well were gonna go to pick perrie

Poopey: why? I don't care she doesn't care about me

Momj: im not gonna explain this right now... but be ready im gonna pick you up

Poopey: no your not.. im not gonna leave jed

Momj: yes you are.. perrie is drunk in redclub..

Poopey: why? Ok pick me up cause our friend is drunk

Momj: nice try jade you still love perrie no need to excuse the "friend" word

Poopey: what ever

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