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"Hey, this place looks a lot like the clinic you worked at before, huh?" Shachi commented quietly, pointing up at the large sign proclaiming the building to be a clinic. The two-story, white-brick building almost blended in with the rest of the structures surrounding it, but the handful of remaining letters on the sign was the only indication of what it was, really. That, and the ambulance parked right outside the doors.

They had chased across it, though they could certainly use the medical supplies if it still had any. Their own reserves were gradually depleting, to where Law was getting a bit antsy every time they went scavenging or killed zombies.

In reply to Shachi's words, Law shrugged. "Almost all clinics look the same."

"I was just trying to make conversation, but ok." Shachi gave a bland look to Penguin, who merely grinned in return. Sometimes Law was too literal to actually enjoy talking to. "Don't you ever think back to times before the world ended?"

"Not really." Their leader admitted, eyes still scanning the area around them.

The area was relatively clear of zombies, though a few stragglers lingered, groaning at their surroundings with each shuffled step. The three men walked up the street, loosely holding their weapons just in case they needed them, approaching the medical facility.

Penguin spoke this time. "What? Why? Don't you miss the way things used to be?"

Sighing deeply, Law shook his head. "Of course I do. But thinking about it isn't going to magically bring it back, so what's the point?" The grip on his sword tightened, though the other two didn't seem to notice, nor see the pained look that Law carefully hid. "Wishing and hoping for something that is never going to happen is a waste of time."

His two companions shared a long look before shrugging and basically ignoring what he'd said. "Well, I for one wish that we were back in the days of functional plumbing and air conditioning."

Penguin nodded vehemently, raising his arms above his head in a stretched as they walked. "And twinkies. I haven't had a twinkie in ages." He protested. Beside him, Law raised a brow but said nothing, the only sign of his amusement the slight uptilt of the corner of his mouth.

"Man, what I wouldn't give to get my hands on some old Victoria's Secret catalog right about now."

"Can't keep it in your pants?" Penguin shook his head ruefully, as if disappointed in his friend. Shachi guffawed and sputtered a moment, before rounding on his companion.

"It's not like there are any women around or anything!" He pointed an accusatory finger at the grinning man. "Don't act all innocent or anything. I've seen you look at Lexi all weird before."

Penguin shrugged defensively. "What? She's attractive! And like you said, we haven't seen another woman in awhile. Is that such a bad thing?" He turned away with a grumble. "I'm not a savage, but we've all got needs."

While Shachi and Penguin conversed, Law had continued searching the area ahead as they got closer to the medical facility. Most of the time, like at that moment, he just tried to block out their arguing and useless talking. It was exhausting sometimes, but he preferred having them around to being completely alone.

Still, this was no time to let their guard down. In the middle of a good-sized city, there could be zombies and other survivors anywhere. It was strange, though. There didn't appear to be very many of the undead walking the empty streets around them. Of course there were a few stragglers, but nothing life-threatening so long as they remained aware and watchful. He also took note of unmoving corpses littered along the streets. Zombie corpses, killed before they'd even gotten there. They looked recent.

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